Chapter 4

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Theo's POV

Once we get settled on the couch, Shai snuggles up to me, her head resting lightly on my shoulder, one of her arms draping across my chest to rest on my waist. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer. She is so small, and I love how she fits perfectly next to me; our bodies are made for each other.

Shai's POV

I would like to stay like this forever.

Theo had offered me one of his t-shirts to wear; he said it looked adorable on me, then he threw his head back with laughter like he always does. He is wearing a t-shirt that hugs his chest.

I fall asleep like this, wrapped in his arms.

Theo's POV

Fifteen minutes after we settle down, I hear Shai's breathing even itself out. I look down at her and sure enough, she is asleep.

She looks so peaceful while she is sleeping; her eyes flutter beneath her eyelids as she dreams, her lips are slightly parted, her chest rises and falls steadily. I turn the television off and soon fall asleep along with her.

In my dream, I imagine that Shai has found my old videos with Will, my old friend from back home, on YouTube. She watches my singing, with a huge smile on her face. She asks me to perform for her, live. I choose to sing my favorite song of mine and Will's, when all of a sudden, the scene morphs so that I am on a stage, alone. Shai, Miles, Veronica, and Neil sit in the audience, all with pads of paper in front of them. It has turned into an audition. But for what, I do not know. As soon as my voice escapes me, it turns rusty and croaky, as if I haven't spoken for years. The group begins cackling, including Shai, their laughters echoing around the theater, echoing inside my head. Tears begin falling from my eyes, onto the stage floor, where they turn into blood. My eyes trail upward to see that Shai is hanging from the ceiling, upside down, blood dripping from her mouth. I scream and awake with a start, panting.

My shout awakens Shailene, startling her. "Theo! What happened?" she cries. I grab her and pull her in towards me, holding her tightly. I kiss the top of her head and assure her that I will never let anything happen to her. Then I realize she has no idea what I'm talking about. I explain my dream to her as she nods with understanding. Her eyes widen with worry as I reach the end of my dream.

"Oh, that's horrifying..." she whispers. This time it is she who pulls me in for a hug, and she doesn't let go for a long time. When she finally pulls me away, she kisses my forehead. She tells me to lay down, and then pulls my head onto her lap. I fall asleep again as she strokes my hair, filling me with a calmness only she can make me feel. This time, there are no bad dreams.

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