The Goodbye

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*I know this might suck but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯*

It was a cold day here in Tokyo i was walking to volleyball practice with Hinata when he stopped. "Thi-this is my stop" he said in a shaky voice

"What you're not coming back with the rest of us?" I questioned

"I'm going the the train station. I was afraid to tell you, i was afraid you'd be all bwah. I'm going on a family vacation, we're visiting relatives it sh-should be fun"

"Why would you be afraid to tell me that? You're such an idiot sometimes" I remarked

"i-I'm gonna be gone for a month" A MONTH HOW COULD HE LEAVE NOW?! "Oh.." "y-yeah.."

"How could- WHAT ABOUT OUR TRAINING?! You're gonna come back all sloppy and I'm gonna have to pick up the slack! I'm already the one who has to make sure that you don't mess this up! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE JUST AS WE START FIGURING THIS OUT??!! hOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ANYONE? WHAT ABOUT ME!?" He's gonna be gone for a month and he didn't tell anyone. This was going so well and now hE JUST LEAVES?! "STop scolding me! I already told the captains the only one i didn't tell was you.." "Just me.. Whatever I'll see you in a month."

I stormed off to practice furious of what just happened. I saw Suga but not the rest of the team. "Kageyama did Hinata tell you?" great he knew and i didn't "yeah.." "How did it go..?" "Fine... Where's the rest of the team?" "I told them to go ahead of us so i could talk to you. Hinata was worried about this and I bet you just got mad at him and didn't let even say goodbye.. I bet he's worried right now." "Well what should have I done because it clearly wasn't important enough for him to have told me before now. If he wants to disappear for a month FINE I CAN SET FOR SOMEONE ELSE!" "Kageyama, he didn't tell you because you're the most important to him. He didn't want to worry you and throw off your game." "Suga.." I sighed.

"NO! Are you telling me you're not gonna regret this?! This is a person who cares about you and you just blew him off. This isn't something that you can just fix later. He's gonna be one for a MONTH and he's gonna spend the entire time thinking that you're mad at him." Suga seemed mad at me for this but I don't know what to do. "I'm not good with people, Suga. I don't know what to say or how to act. Give me a volleyball and I'm fine, bUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT HINATA WANTS FROM ME!" "Give him a proper goodbye you dummy." he said pushing me "Go run his train might have already left by now" I ran as fast as I could just to see him. I could hear Suga yelling behind me "GO KAGEYAMA AND DON'T OVER THINK IT"

As soon as I got to the train station he wasn't there. "HINATA!" "Dammit I missed it" just then i heard his voice... "Ka-Kageyama? Did you just throw your backpack? Why are you out of breath? Did you lose something I-I can help you find it! Did the captains send you back? They said they'd be okay with this, but I-I never know with them" he kept rambling "Do you ever shut up?" I cut him off by pulling him close and kissing him. "If you ever forget your footwork I'm gonna kick your ass" why did i say that?!?!?! "Why do you have to ruin everything? You can't just kiss someone then say that" he sounded flustered "Suga told me to!" "SUGA?! What were you doing with Suga?!" "He told me feelings. It didn't seem like you minded!" "YOU DUMB-ASS" he cut me off by pulling me close to him and kissing me "I'll text you while you're away. Have. a. Good trip dumb-ass Hinata." "But I'm your dumb-ass Hinata, Right?" "Right...Bye."

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