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A/N this chapter includes some risky 😉 language!

I made my way over to the double doors of Chris' class, knocking on the door. Literally two seconds later he opened it up and pulled me in, kicking the door closed behind him.

"Hey there, gorgeous," he purred, pulling me into a loving embrace. I could be in his arms forever, and nobody could tell me otherwise.

"Hey," I sighed, melting into his arms and smiling to myself. He took the opportunity to lift my chin up with his finger, leaning down and capturing my lips in a welcoming kiss. I felt every part of me scream in delight. He pulled away and laughed, running his fingers through my hair before leading me over to the back row of the classroom's desks.

"I would stick you at the front, but that'd be too obvious, plus Franccesca sits up front with a couple of others, I didn't choose that... Apparently all disruptive students need to sit directly in front of the teacher, and I'm pissed about that. But, hey! I get to be a pain in the ass to you even more back here," he smirked, pulling my seat out for me, which I happily took. He wrapped his arms from around my back and rested his chin on my shoulder. Everything felt perfect, and I'd only known him for not even a full school day. I couldn't have thought somebody could make me feel this way in only a few hours. The final bell rung and a few voices were heard from outside the class. Chris gave me one more peck on the cheek before walking over to the door and letting them in.

I noticed immediately the voices of Fran and her group, realising they'd already clocked me in their sights, "Oi, teacher, what's that little faggot doing in the back?"

I saw Chris grit his teeth together and I could've sworn a small growl escaped his lips, "Franccesca sit down. Do not talk to other students that way or you'll be in detention tonight, no warning."

"Yeah but, sir, he's fucking gay, plus he looks like a queer raccoon for fucks sake," she spat, Mike and Matt, who sat beside her letting out ridiculously loud laughs.

"People like you make me sick. Just picking on somebody because of their sexual preference is pathetic," he hissed. Just seeing him get protective over me was making my adrenaline rise.

"What? Are you gay, sir?" She cackled, the two guys joining in.

"Yes. I am, actually. And I'll have you know, you have violated two rules now, discriminating against a student, and discriminating against a teacher. I'll let the headmistress know before the end of class," he smiled, giving me a slight 'you're welcome' glance with a little side smirk. I giggled behind my hand and blushed slightly. It was ridiculous. He made me act like a fucking school girl being checked out by her first crush.

"Looks like sir has a thing for Ricky since they're both fucking homos," Fran added bluntly before throwing her bags down under her desk and sitting down, Mike and Matt giving each other an awkward 'oh shit' look. Chris didn't answer, but I noticed his anger in his eyes.

"I apologise for that, everyone else. Now, let's get on with the lesson, shall we?"


After he finished his presentation, he gave us some worksheets to do just to recap on some shit we already learned, not that I was focuses at all. I was mesmerised by the way he'd occasionally flick his hair, the way he walks with a cocky stride, just everything about him... He drove me insane, just be being him. I thought I'd get gis attention since I craved it more than anything.

I put my hand up, a small smile appearing on his pierced lips, "yes, Ricky?"

"Yes, um, sir, may you help me with this question? It's really, really hard..." I said as flirtatiously as I could, biting the end of my pencil giving him the best doe-eyed look I possibly could muster. I noticed his gaze get harder, a slight shaky breath accompanying the appropriate look. He walked over to me, standing right behind me, pushing his form against my back and leaning over to look over my shoulder.

"What question is bothering you?"

"Number five, it's really hard... It's way too big for me to get my head around. I'm not use to big questions like this, sir," I purred, which he growled in response.

"Well, maybe you should try to take it. If it's too big for you, maybe you should just take it all in anyway," he murmured close to my ear. I shivered, leaning back against his body so we were almost glued together.

"No, sir. It's too much..." I replied at almost a whisper.

"Then I suppose an after school revision session is in need," he whispered in probably the most seductive way I've ever heard in my life, "say, my house may be comfortable for just the two of us anyway."

Before I could even think of an answer, he got up abruptly and walked back to the front of the class with a stupid grin on his face. As I've said before, he drives me insane, but fuck, I'd let him do it for the rest of my life for all I care.

A/N Ricky is such a little whore in this chapter, but we love him nonetheless 😘💕

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