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Dear Sister Caitlyn  

I hate you. I hate you so much. You have ruined my life, and I'm not exaggerating.

Remember when we were young? I was five, you were seven? You broke your arm. I was the only one there. I could have chosen to leave you, and now how I wish I did! But no. I ran to dad for help. But you never gave me even a small 'Thanks', and always swatted me away.

Remember when my friend India invited me to her birthday party, but you didn't want her going because her brother was her boyfriend so you were invited too? You were going to bring me there though because mum demanded it. Yet you left me outside in the pouring rain alone.

Remember the time I thought you went missing and I panicked so much? Remember when I couldn't get a hold of mum because her phone was off? Remember when I called the police? And it was only because you never told your own family that you were in your boyfriend's house. The police weren't pleased with me.

Remember the time you came down from my bedroom all red and steamy when our parents were away and it was just you, me and your boyfriend? I was too afraid to tell mum you had sex because you threatened that if I told her that you'd lie and say I was stealing from the local Costcutters. I was so scared. I thought you were pregnant and everything was weighed on me.

Remember when you got all your Year 10/Grade 11 friends on me to beat me up, yet you lied and told the school that I (somehow?) beat all them up? You damaged my record, and possibly stopped me from getting my favourite job in the future.

Remember when you broke everything in the living room but told mum I did it? I had to stay in my room for a month doing literally nothing but just sit in there and never see my friends.

Remember when I told dad about my depression but told him I made it all up? I still have depression, yet you never gave two shits.

Remember when I came out as gay but you mocked me for it with homophobic language? I've barely been able to tell my friends because I've been so afraid thy they'll leave me.

Remember when I had that panic attack when my friend was in horrible danger? All you did was sit there and say 'She doesn't matter, now shut up already'. I've never had the courage to cry in front of anyone.

Remember when my best friend died? Remember when the only one I loved perished? All you did was say 'Tough luck' and left me to sulk.

I hate you.

You have damaged me.

You have scarred me.

I wish you weren't my sister.

I wish you were dead.

You are the reason I have social anxiety.

You are the reason I am bullied.

You are the reason why I've never spoke up.

Until now.

Oh, Caitlyn.

How you're going to get punished.

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