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I pulled my hand away and laughed nervously while backing away then it smacked me across the face. I'm in a house with girl thirst boys.

"Jordan what's the matter?" I looked at Oliver and Ashton and fell. I'm gonna die by a king and a fire. "Jordan!" I looked at Oliver who had just screamed my name.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah of course. Um one quick question can you both change completely into the animal you are?"

"I can but I choose not to." After Oliver I looked at Ashton waiting for him to answer.

"I can." I loved lions they were crazy beautiful. Especially the king of the pride.

"So would you become the king?"

"No. I make my own pride."


"Yeah but I'm a little not into making kids right now." I smiled when he said that probably just to make me laugh. I stood and felt a lot better. Like I was just gonna be fine with them around me.

All day we were in and out of the house. Soon I was laying on the floor from the heat.

"I have to show some kid around tomorrow!" I looked at Oliver who laid with me and showed me. I looked at my phone and it was from Daniella.

I smiled and took my phone.

What do you mean?

There's a new kid coming to the school and I have to show him around tomorrow.

We'll that doesn't sound so bad. I mean what if he's cute?

He is I got a text from the teachers so I know what he looks like. So I can find the right guy. He's dreamy. Blue jean eyes with black hair and girl he's pierced. Depending on him he's mine.


But I don't think I'd like him fully because they told me about him and apparently he's into writing and he's got kicked out of six school but he's here because of his father. He's clever and sly and gets girls like a player.

Oh wow. Sounds like he's all yours. :)

Shut up. He's still cute.

That's why he gets all them girls. I can already see it. Heather draped across his arm while he's surrounded.

Uhhh! I hate her and she's coming back tomorrow.

That's awesome!

You sound so happy.

I missed my best friend. ;)

You always make me laugh. Alright gotta go.

I'll take the player around school for you.

Nah I got him.

Okay bye :)

Bye :)

"She's a cutey."

"Not as cute as Jordan over here."

"She's mine."

"No she's mine."

"Boys I'm no one's." I sat up holding my hands out on both sides.

"Fight to the death."

"Fight to the death." I was frozen and they just laughed.

"Okay we best be going. See you soon dude." I left with Oliver and got a hug from Ashton.

"So you have school tomorrow?"

"Yeah it sucks but tomorrow's gonna be fine with the new kid I'm kinda excited."

"Well he better not lay a hand on you. Like I said you're mine and no one else's." I smiled and received a kiss but he was soon almost home.

I got out after getting another long kiss and went into my house.

"Jordan look at this god he's evil though!" Daniella screamed at me. I looked at the guy who was practically perfect but not Oliver perfect.


"Hey Jock what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come over. And hey wanna come over my house for a movie."

"I mean sure if I get to go back home after." He smiled and nodded.

I followed Jax out with Daniella going too. Without me there she hated talking to my family.

"Well I hope you don't get attacked tomorrow but see you tomorrow." I got into his car and we went to his house. Of course it had a huge yard. He needs to practice.

We got out and I saw that guy again.

"Dad!" He looked at Jax then at me.

"Jordan and Jax. Ship name Jax."

"True that is our ship name if you think about it." We went up into the large house with his father following and I was hit with the smell of baked goods.

"Oh my god what are you making mom?" We went into a kitchen and it smelt so good.

"Cookies want one?" Jax grabbed two and gave me one.


He was such a kid it was crazy. I liked how he was easy to talk to though.

"So what are we watching?"

"Whatever you want to." We went into a nice living room and he put a movie in. I plopped down on the couch getting comfy. "So what did ya put in?"

"A movie. But you probably know it." The theme song I knew played and I froze.

"That's not a movie!" He smiled and my favorite character went over to their neighbors.

'Penny, Penny, Penny.' He kept saying and she opened the door.

"Who's your favorite?"

"Penny and Sheldon they're so funny."

"My favorite one with them is when they have an argument and Penny calls his mom."

"Oh I saw that one that one was hilarious. But I like the one when he's with Amy and tries to make her feel bad by getting her a present and she ended up making him cookies."

I actually found the human I thought I'd never see from the Jock. I smiled and cuddled up to him. His mom put a plate of cookies down in front of us and I smiled.

"They look delicious."

"Oh thank you. Wait you helped me find the bookmark."

I looked at his mouth and knew her like the snap of fingers.

"Oh my god hi. I wasn't really paying attention when we were in the kitchen."

"Neither was I. But I'll let you to mingle and enjoy the cookies." She left and I just smiled at Jax.

"She's a little goofball."

"She's so nice."

"Well thanks." He smiled and we bursted out laughing at the end of the episode.

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