The final battle

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*Dan's POV*

We ran as fast as we could but we somehow ended up at the HQ of BLi "god dammit" I swore. We had to act fast "shoot whatever and where ever you can try to make an opening so we can get through" I instructed. We did just that and managed to get out and to the border of zone one "alright Keep Running guys. Get them as far away from here as possible." We kept running and were far enough in zone one to be safe.

*Tiger's POV*

I know one of us is not getting out of here alive and I'm going to make sure it's me. We bust into HQ making sure we are heard, sirens wail and we hear running. "MOVE MOVE MOVE" I shot and we run "SPLIT UP INTO GROUPS OF 3!" Shattered, Authority and I are in a group, Demon, Death and Toxic and Dreams, Revenge and Sunshine in the last. We run around and shoot all the dracs but we're stopped on level four, with two levels left, by Korse, and two other people. I get a good look at them and realize it's Kobra and Ghoul. "K-Kobra, G-ghoul." "Who the hell are you talking about killjoy? I'm Mikey and this is Frank" Kobra puts a disgusted emphasis on 'killjoy' and says his name is Mikey, this is not the killjoy I know. "Your little friends here have decided to side with BLi" Korse smiles evilly "unwillingly I'm sure" I mumble "watch out your mouth may just get you killed, War Tiger or should I say Missile Kid?" Shit I forgot he knew about my identity "Missile Kid is long gone you bald-headed bastard. Run on three" I whisper to Shattered and Authority. "One..." I place my hand on my gun "two..." I grasp the handle "three!" I yell and shoot to distract and then run with Shattered and authority flanking me.

*Fire Star's POV*

We're now out in zone six and we're out numbered. I place my fingers in my teeth and whistle, a bunch more killjoys come running to our aid and we take the Dracs down. "Come on we have to go help the Nine" Fire Dragon says and we head to the van and speed off. We reach HQ and hear the sirens. Tiger was reckless I guarantee it. "Come on we have to get in there" "oh no you don't" someone says, we turn to see a Japanese lady with a couple of dracs with her "you're not going in there. The Notorious Nine can take care of themselves. First you have to go through me." "Fine let's dance bitch" "oh a languagey little one aren't we?" she scoffs "please I can do more then just bullshit language." "Then let's see it" a drac appears in front of me, I hold up my gun and shoot him down then five others soon we have all the dracs down "now it's my turn" she grabs her gun and aims at me "NO!" Bear screams and lunges across me making the lady shoot him instead of me "BEAR!" I shoot the lady and she falls, the rest of our group going to take care of her while I try to help Bear but I know I'm too late she got him right in the heart the last thing I hear him say is "I love you my Starlight" "Come on Star we have to help the Notorious. Do it for Bear." "Ok" before I leave my Bear forever, I take his hat, letting his blonde hair fall around his face, he looked so peaceful if I didn't know better I would've thought he was sleeping.

*Shattered's POV*

We get back to the entrance and the nine of us are surrounded "come join us, we could rule the world if you join us." Tiger stands with her twin "we wouldn't join you in a million years" she says and shoots the dracs, we follow in suit and soon it's Korse, drac-Kobra and drac-Ghoul. "Take care of them" Korse says and the two begin open fire, it becomes a show-down and we win, but I don't see the laser shot at my back until I hear Tiger's unmistakeable scream from behind me. "Tiger!" I shout and turn around to see my best friend on the ground with a huge wound in her stomach "I'll be with Party again. Please don't help me just get BLi to the ground for me" she says with a shaking breath "b-but you can't die, I need you, the N9 needs you." "You're going to have to go on without me, Party is right there ready to welcome me" she gestures to the space behind me, I'm crying now, she wants to go but she can't, but her final wish is for us to go on "ok you can go just watch over us ok?" "I promise" she says and lays on her back closing her eyes and taking her last breath ever. We surround Korse and a shoot out occurs, Deathwish getting shot in the hip and Sunshine getting a hit to the arm, but we finally get him down. I sit on him, "that shooting was for killing our family and turning two of them into dracs and this is for killing my friend." I clamp my hands around his neck, I feel like a tiger as I watch the last dregs of life leave him. "Our job here is done. Let's go find Fire Star and the others, grab Tiger" Authority picks Tiger's-well now I can say Kaitlyn's- body up and we walk outside to see Fire over a body, we come closer to see that it's Bear "Hey, Fire, it's ok, what's your real name?" "I-I'm Kelsie and Bear was Cody." "What about the rest of you?" I ask, Dragon and Lion step up "I'm Dan and this is Phil." Then assassin and princess "I'm Michael" "and I'm Sasha" "awesome I'm Emily. This is Luci, James, Tabi, Lydia, Anna, Tia, and Katie." "Who's in Katie's arms?" Kelsie asks "that's...Kaitlyn" I feel tears building in my eyes "she's...she's...gone" and that does it for me I'm now on my knees crying.

*Tiger's POV*

"Party's right there ready to welcome me" I tell a now blurry Shattered Heart, she seems to contemplate something then she answers "ok just watch over us ok?" she asks "I promise" I would never leave my precious Killjoys high and dry "ok you can go now." she says, I lay on my back and close my eyes, it feels like I'm falling asleep. I come out of my body feeling alive and refreshed "there's my tiger" Party coos. "Please just call me Kaitlyn" I tell him " suits you. So if we're going by really names now, I'm Gerard." I giggle "Gerard" it rolls nicely off my tongue "it suits you" I notice he's in a uniform, almost like he's in a parade but it's black. I then notice I'm in almost the same uniform but I have a skirt where he has pants. "Come on the Black Parade is here to welcome you." The scene suddenly changes from the HQ of BLi to an ashen city where a parade of people are lined up "come with me" Gerard leads me to a float where everyone else is "this is my brother. You remember him as Kobra but here he's Mikey, then Ghoul who's known here as Frank and finally Jet Star is Ray. Guys this is War Tiger but here she's Kaitlyn" he introduces us "hey guys" "hey you're finally here" Ray says and hugs me. I hope my friends are doing ok.


I cried ok. This was a feelsy chapter I hope you enjoy it. Epilogue next chapter. Thanks to Emily (Shattered Heart) Tabi (Deathwish), James (Dramatic Demon), Tia (Toxic Widow), Katie (Authority Dangerheart), Lydia (Unbroken Dreams), Anna (Sparkling Revenge), Luci (Harlequin Sunshine)

-Kaitlyn (War Tiger)

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