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Denzel: You left your charger over here.

Me: It's fine, I'll buy another one.

I needed that charger now actually. My phone was next to me the entire night waiting for text from him leaving my battery on what was now 27%. However, I didn't want to seem desperate. I wasn't about to be like, oh my God can I come get my charger pleaseee... no. I'm good.

Denzel: Ok.

Ok??? What did he mean by just ok??

Denzel: I really like you, and I wanted us to just talk last night. I do apologize for getting snappy with you. That's not like me

Me: All is forgiven. I suppose I should apologize too. I'm really protective when it comes to my emotions and I can tell that I'm falling for you, so that was me.. trying not to.

Denzel: You deserve the world, and I want to give you that. But you have to let me

Holy shit! He is so damn romantic. What should I reply back????

Me: You're right. I'm really sorry about last night. Lets try this again... I can come over later today. Maybe we can do homework together or something.

Denzel: I'd love that!

Later that day Denzel picked me up. I wore some comfortable clothes so he wouldn't have to lend me his extra large shorts again. "You look beautiful!" he said as I got in the car. I threw my book bag in the backseat. "Thanks baby!" I said. I leaned over and kissed him. I was trying to work on actually acting like a girlfriend and not someone trying to avoid him. He looked surprised and smiled. "You hungry?" he asked as he started up the car. "Always!" I said laughing. "What you hungry for?" "We can just go grab something really quick. A burger and fry sounds good" I said. I cut the music on in his car and started dancing. I was in a really good mood. Zuri has a lock in at her school tonight so shes gonna be there all night and out of mommy's hair. Plus today was payday! Denzel stopped by Steak N Shake and got us a both a spicy chicken sandwich and fries and a birthday cake milkshake for us to share. I bashed of course.

Once we got into his house I made myself comfortable on the couch in the living room, sitting my book bag down on the floor. "Feel free to take off your shoes too" he said as he took off his. I took off my Jordan's and he grabbed them and sat both our shoes near the walkway of the door. "You see pretty happy today" he said smiling. I could tell he loved this side of me, and not the attitude side that I gave him a sample of yesterday. "I am! I am!" I squealed. "I honestly thought that you were done with me. Plus my daughter is going to be at school at day for a lock in, and today was pay day, so its pretty much everything at once" I said. He cut on the TV. "How you doin?!" we heard the TV say. It was the one and only, Wendy Williams. "Change the channel!" I blurted out. He laughed. "Yeah she is pretty annoying" he said. He went to guide and scrolled through the channel. "What do you want to watch?" he asked. "Anything but this" I said. I looked around his house and he searched for us something to watch. The couch I was sitting on had to have been no less than three thousand dollars. His house had amazing interior design, and I was mind boggled at how he was able to afford all of this on his house. I lived in an apartment building on Bowman Avenue here in Baltimore. Its a really nice apartment, but its nothing like this. "How are you able to pay for all this on your own?" I asked him. He looked at me as I walked around his house running my hands across his marble kitchen table. "My brother. Turns out he wrote in his will that if anything ever happened to him, he wanted everything that belonged to him to belong to me" Denzel said as he finally clicked on a show. "He wrote a will at 24?" I asked as I inspected his dishes which were made of gold. "He enrolled into the military, and they sent him off at a really bad time and he was so sure that he'd loose his life there. So he created a will that basically said that if anything were to happen to him that his savings, his car, and anything that was under his name would go to me. Turns out it wasn't the military that killed him, it was a nigga from Baltimore." I walked over to him and sat on his lap trying to comfort him. I gently laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that happened to him" I said as I ran my hands through his dreads. He smelled so good, like some kind of men's body wash. "I understand how you feel though, loosing someone." I sat on the floor in front of him. "I was 5 months pregnant and having the father of my child get locked up for murder was really devastating for me. I had no idea how I would raise this child on my own, sometimes I still don't. However, I've always been strong. So I sucked it up and I'm going to school and working and I've been doing it all on my own and I'm blessed to even have gotten this far" I said. Denzel's eyed were locked on mine. I could tell he was taking in everything I was saying, and there was no doubt that I had his undivided attention. "Sometimes life takes us through things to make us stronger and I'm glad you fought through" he said and softly kissed my cheek. His lips were so warm. I fettled around with my fingers feeling a little shy. "I really think Xavier plays a major part in the reason why I'm so protective. I will never allow myself to be stupid for a guy again." Denzel leaned in and held my face softly and kissed my lips. This time it wasn't just one single kissed, we locked lips expressing all the pain and stress and frustration of our past all through a passionate kiss. He leaned in even closer and gently kissed my neck. I was so sure where this was going and after opening up about my past with Xavier, and after he shared with me a bit more about his brother, the Philophobia was slowly fading away. He took off his shirt, and within every kiss he gave me, chills covered my skin. He slowly took off my jogging pants, and then his jeans, and then my shirt and my bra, and then my underwear. I was now completely naked. We continued to lock eyes. He kissed my chest, sucking on nipples. I had butterflies in my stomach now. He kissed my inner left thigh, and then my inner right thigh. It was as though we were playing a guessing game at where he would kiss next. He then softly kissed my pussy using his tongue to play with my clit. I couldn't stop gasping as he tasted me. I hadn't had sex in so long and his lips against my pussy felt amazing. I was so ready for him to enter me. I sat up and tried to take off his boxers, but he pushed me back down and continued to taste me. He started moving his tongue back and forth over my click really fast, and my legs started to shake. My entire was trembling uncontrollably. My phone started ringing inside of my purse. "I.. I have to answer my phone... I" I stuttered. His tongue moved even faster across my clit. "Please... I... my phone" I moaned. He continued to eat my out until I begged again. "My phone" I groaned again. He finally stopped and I quickly sat up and crawled to the couch and stuffed my hand in my purse. My legs were still very shaky. Denzel laughed as he could see my body was trembling. Soon as I grabbed my phone it stopped ringing. It was Zuri's school. Denzel got up and walked into the kitchen. He made me a glass of water and handed it to me. "Everything ok?" He asked and handed me the glass. "It was Zuris school" I grabbed the water and sipped on it. "When will you take off your boxers. I'm over here fully naked" I laughed. "Not sure if you ready for that part yet" he said. My phone started ringing. I quickly answered it. "Mommy" Zuri said. "Everything ok baby, what's going on?" I asked frantically. "I want to come home. I don't want to stay at the lock in. People are talking about me" she said. I could tell in her voice she was about to cry. "What are they saying?" I looked over at Denzel as he put back in his shirt. "They said that I can't play tag with them or any other games. I have to sit in the corner" her voice got even shakier. "Did you tell a teacher or something baby?" "No. I just want to come home" she cried. "Okay, we'll tell the teacher what their doing and then call me back if their still being mean ok?" "I want to come home now mommy! Right now!" She cried. "Ok! Okay. Just sit next to a teacher and I'll be there" I said. I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes. "What's going on?" Denzel asked. He handed me my underwear to put back on. I stared getting dressed. "Zuri doesn't want to stay at the school, she said some kids are being mean to her and she wants to come home" I said. "We can go get her then, no problem. She can come back here" he said as he put on his shoes. "I really appreciate this. I'm sorry we gotta leave back out." "No problem babe. That's your daughter."

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