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Title: His Price

August 12, 2002
   Regina laid in the delivery room writhing in pain with the midwives and her mother by her side. She was about to have her first child. She should be happy and anxious. Her husband should be expectantly waiting  outside to hear the cry of his baby. But at fourteen about becoming a single mother wasn't something to wish for. She laid in agonizing pains remembering how it all started.
   She had been in SS2,an average student, beautiful, happy and mingling. Henry was in her class, a year older but still gorgeously attractive. He was quite some catch, having most of the girls fling themselves at him and flirting. And she did have the biggest crush on him, much so obvious her best friend had noticed it quite early. However, she thought it was a mutual feeling. On countless occasions she had caught him staring while lectures  were ongoing. Whenever they chatted, they would talk at length. He would look at her with those brownish grey eyes and she would feel she were in cloud nine. She had fantasised about him wooing or courting her sometime in the future. Eventually on Valentine's day he did. Their school had organized a get together party at the community park. While at the buffet table, he had asked to share a picnic blanket with her. Of course she agreed. It was more or less a dream come true. Laughing at some jocular act,she felt the heat of his gaze and stared back wondering what was going through his thoughts.
" so, what do you have in your schedule next Saturday? " he asked out of the blue.
"Nothing in mind. Anything?"
"Well... A friend of mine is having a birthday party, wanna come?"
'' Depends...am I invited? "
"Yea... Would love to have you around"
"Cool." She responded pretending to turn her attention back to the comic play while trying not to be too conscious of his presence.
"Reg...I can call you that right?"
"People prefer 'Gina', but Reg is fine. Sounds...unique."
Slowly he reached for her hand,suddenly having a serious expression on his face." Reg I have been thinking. You are such a beauty..." Now that had her head snapped in his direction.
"What I'm tryna say is I'm really attracted to you. Would you mind being my girl?" At that moment Regina could help her blaring thoughts. Mind? How could she mind? Hello! She's been waiting ages for this. She took a slow breath and smiled." Okay...you are quite cute yourself."
"Uhm....is that a yes?"
"Uh..huh it is."

Ace, Ace you wouldn't believe it." Regina shrieked as she rushed into Stacy's room having been let in by Stacy's younger brother.

"You might wanna keep it down.Mum's in the kitchen." Stacy responded in hush tones surprised by her best friend's happiness.

" okay,okay, okay....hmm" Regina took a deep breath,trying to calm herself." Guess what!"

" What? "

"Just guess silly"

"Uhm...your mum got you that laptop you wanted?"

"Try harder"

"I can't do this, what's it?"

"Henry finally asked me out"

"Oh my total gosh! Finally your dream has come true"

"It has alright."

"So,gist me. How did he do it?" Stacy asked inquisitively. This was a story she had awaited for long.

"I'm not telling, it's meant for the secret book in my heart" Regina replied holding the left part of her chest like she was caressing the earlier memories.

"Awwww...not fair! Would really have loved to hear it."

''All I can give is that we are going out on our first date this coming Saturday."

"Wowiwowwow! Easy and slowly there. Don't you think you are heading kinda too fast? I mean, Henry's a nice guy but it wouldn't hurt to be Careful now would it?"

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