Sometimes the Fairytale is Real

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The weeks fall into routine as I learn about what each of the girls and everyone else living here is like. In a matter of three weeks it feels as though I’ve been living here for ages. All the inhabitants of the house have taken to me and treat me like their mother by telling me where they’re going and helping with chores. I’ve never felt so content but the nagging reminder of the family I’ve left is a constant strain on me.

The girls are angels and each has different quirks that make them special. Jessie is shy and reserved at times but once she likes someone she’ll open up more. It didn’t take me as long as I thought for her to open up to me completely. She’s delicate but will protect her sisters without a second thought. Julie is the more mischievous of the twins but Julia is the sneakier. They love secrets and know all the secrets of those living in the house and when visitors come the twins always give me the scope on them before they set foot in the door. Jillian is a sweetheart that isn’t as shy as Jessie or as outgoing as the twins. She’s simply a loving little girl that’s eager to please everyone.

Most of our days are spent enjoying the summer before they start school again in the fall. I start each morning feeding everyone breakfast from eight to nine and then the older ones go out to work or do whatever they do for the day while I keep the girls entertained. They love being outside and I’ve taken them to the park and to the zoo several times. Mike goes everywhere with us when we leave the property, which is extensive, and though he’s like a quiet shadow I’ve managed to break him out of his shell some. Someone left him that much I know, and I’m assuming it’s Amari, whoever she is.

Several times the girls have asked to go to the beach which lies just passed the rock bluffs at the edge of the property. From one side of the house you can see the ocean and I’m lucky that I can see it from my room. I’ve managed to distract the girls every time they’ve begged to go to the beach but sooner or later I know I’m going to have to take them. Facing my fears and doing what I know I should.


“ECHO!” Julie screams and I can hear the pounding of several pairs of feet as the girls come running into the kitchen as I clean up from breakfast. Tanya and Peter wave goodbye as the head out the doors after helping me clean up. The girls skid to a stop in front of me each wearing their bathing suit.

I wipe my hands on a towel and pull my hair up in a messy bun on my head, “What is it my little doves?” They all smile at my nickname for them. They asked why I called them that once and I told them that doves are pretty white birds that symbolize peace and love. They are my little drops of love and thus my doves.

“We want to go to the beach today? Please, pretty please?” they crowd around me begging and hanging off me like monkeys.

“Alright, alright!” I laugh and manage to untangle myself. “Go and fetch Mike and tell Jack where we’re going. I have to get my bathing suit on and grab some towels and sunscreen. Make sure to invite anyone else who might want to come, too!” I shout after them as they dash off threw the house shouting for Mike and Jack.

I go to my bedroom to change and end up searching through several draws before I find my one and only bathing suit. It’s a little red bikini that Chad said would make guys’ eyes drop out of their sockets. When I saw it I rolled my eyes but Chad was the one who bought me my wardrobe so I let him buy it thinking that I’d never have to wear it. Now here I am about to put it out and go out in semipublic wearing it. Muttering curses under my breath I strip and put it on throwing a cover up on over it before leaving my room.

I pack a bag with toys, towels, and sunscreen. Then I pack a basket with a lunch for all of us going. Finally I head onto the back porch where the girls are gathered with Mike and Kyle and Maddie. The girls squeal when they see me and I have to set down the basket and bag so that I can catch Jillian in my arms and brace myself for the twins to grab my legs. “ECHO! Can we leave now?”

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