Chapter One (insert clever title here)

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(Frisk's POV)

It was a typical normal day. My parents and I were taking a family picnic to Mt. Ebott. My parents were talking to each other as we all hiked up the mountain. When we reached the top, my mother turned to me. "Frisk," she started. "I want you to take this..." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a silver heartshaped locket and held it out to me. "One side of this is empty," she said as I opened the locket. "Choose who you wish to keep close to your heart, my child.."

I looked up at her in the state of confusion. It was almost as if she were saying goodbye to me. "I love you, Frisk..." With that, my parents and I walked over to the picnic table and ate and laughed like nothing happened. Soon, my parents were arguing about something and soon got to the point where they yelled. Loudly. I decided that I had had enough. So I wandered off into the woods, heading uphill. I was walking for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly, my foot got caught on a root sticking up out of the ground. I jerked forward and fell into a large hole in the mountain, falling head first into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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