× 04 - Omen of Uncertainty ×

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I could hear the sounds of servants outside again, and although my eyes were closed I was aware of my surroundings, knowing that I was awake. Surprisingly, my slumber was rather peaceful despite all the mental conflicts from the previous day, and waking up more or less on my own felt very nice. I had somehow distracted myself from thinking about the memories again, and left the warmth of my bed before stretching to get rid of any grogginess, then proceeded to get ready for the trip to Wan Castle.

The voyage would take us many days at the least to complete, so I chose to get dressed in something shorter and easier to move around in, as compared to my usual long dresses. A short robe with boots will suffice. "It's just as important to look good in battle as it is to know how to fight one," I spoke to myself and smiled in satisfaction at my reflection in the bronze mirror.

While I wasn't anticipating a fight on the way to and from Wan Castle, being a little more prepared was never a bad thing. I also didn't want to get my nicer dresses dirty on the way, but I pushed that thought aside as I played with my golden hairclip, trying to fit a neat ponytail.

After leaving the bedroom I noticed that the sun was just rising, and as I tugged gently on the sleeves I made my way to my garden behind my room. My resting quarters were usually undisturbed by the servants, though lately the courtyard before my room got rather busy. Nobody else ever went inside my garden though, mostly due to my habits of taking care of my plants with my own hands. It also had to do with the amount of rather dangerous flora I grew, but no one bothered to question it, and it was better this way. I took my time watering the many plants and weeding, leaving the quiet garden when a shy handmaiden called for me from the open hallway.

"Breakfast is ready, my Lady," she spoke quietly once I was close enough, her head low to avoid my gaze. I had a hard time examining her face, but I have definitely not seen her before. "Young Master has sent me to inform you, p-please make your way to the dining room," she stuttered a little from talking too fast, and brought a hand to her mouth to hide the embarrassment. I raised a brow at this. Why was she so nervous? Perhaps I made her uncomfortable, and I knew had a tendency to do so without intention.

"I haven't seen you here before, what is your name?" I asked with crossed arms. The girl peeked up at me, but looked back down immediately when her gaze met mine.

"My name is Jing," she replied, and I noticed her fumble with her fingers. I sighed softly at this, deciding that I didn't really want to continue bothering her.

"So my cousin is already there? And my uncle as well?" I questioned, though I knew the answer already. It wasn't uncommon for me to be one of the later people to show up for breakfast, so they should all be having their meal at this time. "Lead the way," I spoke before Jing could answer, and from her frantic shuffling as we walked I could tell she would rather not speak to me.

Despite my uncle's attempts to keep things quiet in the estate, rumors still get spread among the servants. They seemed to enjoy talking about me and my conduct, especially of my younger years when even I considered myself much more dangerous. Thinking back from now, I was quite the little devil, and I even recall overhearing some men refer to me as a 'Demon Child', though I never knew why they called me such a name. Not that it bothered me very much, and this will perhaps even teach them beforehand to not cross me.

To my surprise, one of my other distant cousins, Cao Anmin, had also taken seat at the tables in the room as the servants brought plates in and out. While he also lived in the same residence as I, having lost his parents at a young age like I did, we rarely saw each other so early in the morning. I knew that he was as little a morning person as I was. He gave me a grin as greeting, and I tilted my head at him inquisitively before looking at Cao Cao, a brow raised in a questioning manner. My uncle simply chuckled. "Anmin will also be coming with us to Wan Castle. It will be a good experience for him as well," Cao Cao spoke, and I nodded in reply before taking a seat next to Cao Anmin.

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