Chapter 15 - Blood and Roses

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There was a sharp knock at the door, cutting through the soft sound of knives being sharpened.

"Come in." Lauryn said, carefully setting down the once-again-razor-sharp-blade, and picking up another.

The door creaked open, and by the soft footsteps she knew it wasn't the twins. "Blood wants to see you." Lauryn struggled not to drop the knife in her hands, or let her face betray the rapid emotions her heart and brain were going through. Why did he want to see her? Was it work? Was it something similar to the night outside her door? Would he... kiss her?

Blinking to clear the fog in her brain, Lauryn set the knife down, and stood up, her chair pushing out behind her.

"Very well. Where should I find him?" That was formal enough, nonchalant enough. It didn't betray how fast her heart was beating. Didn't show that she stuffed her hands in her black jean's pockets so the March Hare wouldn't see they were shaking.

"In his rooms," -Lauryn's heart seemed to stop- "he should be waiting in his office." Lauryn nodded, not trusting her voice.

"See yourself out." She called as calmly as she could, walking through her open door, her nails biting into her palms. Turning left, she started navigating through the maze-like corridors of the Hatter's Mansion.

"It's me. Can I come in?" Her voice was muffled by the door, but it was there all the same. So close, and yet so far away.

"Of course. Why else would I send for you?" His voice held his amusement, but none of his awe or adoration. None of his lust or intrigue.

The door opened, and she stepped in. She was wearing her usual. Black skinny jeans, black platform boots and a black, flowing cloak covering her black t-shirt. Her mousy brown hair hung loose, flowing over her shoulders, her fringe casting a shadow on her beautiful eyes, threatening to fall in them. Teasing her like he so wanted to. She wore black eyeliner and mascara. Her lipstick made her perfect lips seem slightly darker than they usually would be, but kept them a natural looking colour, complementing her perfectly. She had good choice.

By the time she had taken the seat on the other side of the table, Blood had managed to wrangle his thoughts, and lock them away. A mafia boss noticed everything, and felt nothing. It was how he was still alive.

"Why did you send for me?" Her voice quavered a fraction, her knuckles pale in her lap, her palms slightly indented where her nails had dug into them, and her lip had been worried. She was nervous.

Was it he who made her nervous?

Gesturing to the tea and scones on the table, Blood smirked at her cute reactions. "Have tea with me." She could, and would, kill him if he called her cute, but she was. She was cute and feral, ferocious and deadly. She truly was an interesting maiden.

"W-why me?" The stutter finally escaped from her lips, and the blush finally rose. Lauryn didn't tend to use the makeup form of blush, and she hardly ever blushed for real, but if Blood pushed her just right... the pink rising through her foundation made everything worth it.

Blood thought about her question for a second. He couldn't tell her the real reason. Not outright, at least. "Your reactions amuse me. After a long day of work, it's just what I need." It wasn't a lie, he couldn't do that to her. It wasn't a lie, just a twist of the truth. He did need her. She made him feel better; among other things, she amused him... but this girl... she messed with his emotions like no other.

"You disgust me," that constant anger she tapped down rushed to the surface, "I'm not a toy for your amusement! I'm not some whore who'll do whatever you ask!" Blood caught a strand of her wild, flying hair, and brought it to his lips. He could almost smell the shampoo she used...

"Fuck off." She snatched her hair back, angrily pushing her chair out and storming to the door. "If that's all you wanted, I'll be taking my leave, sir." She practically spat it out, slamming the door shut.

Have I hurt her? What have I done...

What the hell have I done?

Lauryn struggled to blink away tears in the hallway next to Blood's door. She refused to cry. She may have just ruined her chances at a romance with her boss, she may have just lost her home, and her job... but if she didn't cry back then, she wouldn't now. Not until she was alone, in her room. The same rule applied. Pushing herself off the wall, Lauryn started to stride down the corridor, but with every step she felt uneasy.

I should at least apologise...

Never, in her life, had Lauryn apologise for speaking her mind... but there's a first time for everything... Turning around so fast her boost skid on the polished floors, Lauryn stalked back to his room, slamming the door open. Blood was sitting in the same place he had been earlier, head in his pale hands, his hat sitting on the table next to him. At the sound of the door opening, his head snapped up, his hands quickly retreating to under the table. Lauryn caught a glimpse of his face before his emotionless mask settled into place. He had been... Sad, worried, angry... and something else Lauryn couldn't identify...

"Back, are we?" He teased, eyebrows raised, but his mouth wasn't quite right. The smirk was slightly off.

"I..." Lauryn couldn't do this. She couldn't apologise. She never had, and never thought she would, but... she couldn't back out now... "I'm sorry." She blurted.

"Mmm?" Blood took a sip of his tea

This is the bit she hated most. Sound dishonest, and everything goes out the window. What was she even apologising for? "I'm sorry for storming out. You asked me to tea, and I was rude." Lauryn turned to leave, working on the logic that after storming out, and badly apologising she was no longer welcome.

"I'm sorry too." Blood said, making her look back over her shoulder. "I'm sorry for teasing you, it's so easy to do, but the line is thin, and I must have stepped over. I didn't explain my thoughts very well, which hurt you, and for that I am truly sorry."

Lauryn turned around fully, aware that her mascara was close to running along with the tears threatening to spill, and that her cheeks were bright red. Hopefully he couldn't tell through the foundation she was wearing.

"Have tea with me?" He asked, his face settling into it's normal blank, bored looking state. Lauryn dipped her head down in form of a nod, and walked back over to the table, taking a seat.

"Where is everyone?" Shae asked. Only the twins had showed up to breakfast.

"Dunno!" Dee said, shoveling bacon into his mouth.

"The mousy is sleeping..." Dum said.

"At this rate he's not gonna get paid... Should we wake him up?" Dum pointed out, eating a whole slice of cherry pie in one bite.

"I dunno brother, maybe... but..."

They then spoke at the same time, "If we don't we might get his cut of the money!" the most mischievous smiles decorated their faces.

"You two have a problem." Shae pointed out, devouring her 12th slice of toast.

"Yes, they do." The mafia boss' voice rang clearly over the room, and all three heads snapped to look at him. Standing next to Blood was Lauryn, his coat wrapping her up, the sleeves too big for her arms.

"Freakin' finally." Shae said, turning back to her food while the twins took a few more seconds of stunned silence.

"Awww..... But we wanna turn....." They said.

"Hey, big sis...." Dee said, looking at Shae.

"No." Shae said, not even looking up from her scones.

"Damn." Dum said as the popped into their adult forms, leaning across the table and taking a bite of the toast in her hand.

"No." She insisted, as Lauryn and Blood took their seats at the table. Shae was pretty sure she heard Blood offer to let Lauryn sit on his lap...

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