Will It Hurt?

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Logan's P.O.V

I gulped looking at the needle. "Ready?" asked the nurse "You don't look very well?", "Just do it" I whispered closing my eyes. I felt her cool fingers on my arm then a small (Painful) pinch, I flinched at the sudden sting. I opened my eyes to find her holding up a needle full of thick red liquid, I looked down at my arm grinding my teeth slightly. "Here" said the nurse laughing placing a small cotton wool ball on my arm where the needle went in. "You're very brave you know" she said smiling at me "Giving your brother this blood is kind", "I do what I can" I mumbled sighing, I still felt guilty about everything, if it wasn't for me Kyle wouldn't need blood. He had needed my blood because of the DNA or something. "So can I see him now?" I pleaded my lower lip going down, "Yes" she laughed. We stood up and the nurse showed me the way Kyle's 'room', he didn't even have a single room it was a long hall with paper curtains dividing the hall into rooms. Some of them were closed but others open revealing teens and young adults talking or sleeping with bandages and needles connected to there arms and wrists. I shivered not liking the scene.

The nurse went to the back of the hall and pulled back the paper curtain. Behind it lay Kyle sitting in her bed reading one of his super hero comics, god he loved them. He smiled at me and opened his mouth but quickly shied away remember my harsh words, I smiled back at him sadly. The nurse closed the curtain behind us giving us privacy but not blocking out the sound from the rest of the damaged kids. "Hey" I said sitting on the plastic chair next to his bed, "Hey" he whispered his face pale and frail. "Kyle..." I started but he interrupted me, "Before you tell me that I was being pathetic and that I was stupid for nearly killing myself, I need too ok! I had no one to talk to and every one hated me because I liked guys!" shouted Kyle his face going red and his eyes widening. "Kyle I don't care" I said smiling at him "Your alive! I couldn't ask for anything more". He stared at me with his mouth open gaping, I laughed at his expression. "I felt so guilty Kyle, the thought of you feeling like you had to die because of me! It made me want to kill myself" I whispered playing with the leather bracelet on my wrist.

I looked up to find Kyle wiping tears from his face still smiling, "Thank you" he whispered "That's all I needed to here". "I missed you buddy" I said laughing while I got up and pulled him into a hug careful not to pull out his needles. We spent the next two hours talking and laughing about memories of when we were kids, I shouldn't have done this too him, he's just the same as he was a year ago. It was stupid to judge him because he was gay, I was glad I could see this now.

We were in the middle of reading the last page of Kyle's comic book when Lexi rushed in with more comics and his IPod. She looked back and forth between us with her mouth opened then she smiled her face brightening up. "You guys?...." she said her voice trailing off, I nodded sending her squealing with joy. "Yay!" she shouted plopping down on the bed handing Kyle his stuff, "So the nurses said you could have food as long as its clean and not hygienic so I was thinking home made pizza? I know its not as good as the real stuff but its the next best thing?" she said smiling. Kyle nodded laughing his eyes lighting up at the sound of non unidentified hospital food. "Me and Mark will make it and bring it up tomorrow but I have to go now I need to cook dinner for the rest of the boys so night!" she said practically running out of the small curtained room. "I've got to go too but ill be back tomorrow" I said standing up and putting on my jacket, Kyle nodded picking up his favorite comic.

"Bye buddy" I said stepping back into the hall of damaged kids and closing the paper curtain.

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