2. Chat Noir

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    "NO!!!" As I saw the glowing blood red Akuma dissolve into one of Ladybugs earrings.

A red blistering aura surrounded her body. In only seconds emerged Ladybug, the Akumatized Ladybug. 

"Ladybug?! Snap out of it, come back to me!" I screamed while running to her.

I heard a Woosh before I quickly stepped backwards, nearly avoiding a yoyo to the face. I focused my eyes back where she was standing with her back to me to see that she and Hawkmoth had disappeared.

"Pfft... I'm no longer that weak little pest anymore. My name is Killer Bug, here to exterminate you." Came a voice from above.

I looked up to see Killer Bug, buzzing right over my head. Her multiple wings vibrating the air around her as they flapped frantically. You heard me. Wings. Lady bug had wings.

She swooped down, trying to snatch me, but she was too slow. I instantly dodged the attack and set off running towards the window.

"Aww... Poor little kitty had enough?" Mocked Killer Bug. "Oh no, malady. I just got started". I ran up the side of the wall and slid through the opening in the massive window.

"It's my game now. So why don't you come and get me, love bug." I teased.

She glared back at me with such malice it made my heart hurt. Then I started hating myself for even thinking that. This isn't Ladybug, I thought to myself.

I pulled myself back to reality to find that Killer bug was almost to the opening. "Better get a head start." I muttered to myself and then hastily jumping from roof top to roof top.

Frantically, I started playing out ways I could hide from Killer bug In my mind. Just to buy me some time to think out a plan to get Ladybug back.

As I was starting to think going down one of these chimneys would be a good idea, I caught a glimpse of something to my left. A green blur.

I dropped to the ground and hide behind a dumpster in a narrow alley way. I held my breath as the buzzing of Killer bugs wings past over and faded into the distance.

I looked up and almost jumped. A pare of light brown eyes peered down at me from the top of the dumpster. The expression on my face momentarily went blank.

"Need help bro?" The guy on the dumpster ask.

"Uh. Sure." I replied hesitantly.

The dude grabbed my arm and pulled me out from behind the dumpster.

The mysterious man was the same hight as me. He had brown skin and close cropped hair. His warm brown eyes seemed so familiar, but the green mask on his face, quite similar to mine covering the rest making him hard to identify.

He had interesting looking shoulder pads and a shield slung onto his back, which looked a lot like a turtle shell.

"Do you have a Kwami?" I blurted out without thinking.

"Why, yes I do Chat Noir. But I believe that you have other priorities to focus on."he reminded me.

"Of course. Ladybug. Ugh, I may have some good ideas once in a while, but without her by my side I'm useless..." I told the Turtle dude.

"Not exactly. The names Jade Turtle, but you can just call me JT  and I'm going to help get your lady back!".

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, "Legends"Where stories live. Discover now