Book of Dead

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Writer note: i am really mad at my boyfriend cause i just forgave him and just saw a photo of him kissing another girl....*Scream*...........

                            You came to the party, My love let your heart be free

                         Dance to dead, my love for i am here to watch you die

                                   Drink from my cup, drink all later after

                i will tell you that you have drank the blood of your mother

       We had unforgettable sex and all you done to me is to leave me

            My father count your sins everyday and you commit more

                                                               My love

              The day has come when my father took it on upon himself to kill you

                                                     now your name is dead

                        My Father haunt  you in your afterlife for you broke my heart

                       Your soul run around but you shall live again my love

The lady of shadow laugh at your stupid-ness while she com-seal herself as Nikita

Your name was written in the book of dead when you commit your first sin

                       Lady Nikita hold the book of dead as her lover

You lay on soft bed but you did not look carefully for you lay on the Ocean of dead

                                             You shall forever sleep in hell

                                  In your dreams, Dead shall find you

You drown in your own blood while the Lady mark you dead forever

                                                             And ever

Writer Note: think i went too far with the sex thing.......nah, just so you know, we didn't have sex. he was not worth it, i am saving my self for my husband...........change my mind, i do what i see still for my body!!

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