200. flâneur

95 11 11

flâneur | french

(n.) one who wanders aimlessly, who roams, who travels at a lounging pace.

we drifted like leaves in the wind;

lost but free

So, carpe diem has finally reached its 200th chapter! 🎉

which means we've finally come to the end of the book *cries* 😭

I remembered jumping head first into writing this book and thinking how I was gonna disappoint all my readers because I was never going to finish it. 😂

Looking back at it now, I'm so proud of how far I've come and I thank you ( my amazing readers 💖) for all your constant support and amazing comments!

Don't you worry because a sequel is coming soon 😉 and I hope to see you all there!

Special thanks to:
filiochta aliessasofea26 caribbeans TaraKrajinovic melissamoselane

for believing in me and this book from the very start. You don't how much this means to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

Love as always,
K.Y Lim

carpe diem | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now