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On the internet, English speaking users have created myths through creepypastas. Other countries have as well. The most popular Japanese "creepypasta" is the Kunekune (pronounced Ku-nEH ku-nEH).

Starting around 2003, people began to report strange sights in rice fields and gardens. People reported humanoid wisps of white, seemingly fabric-like appendages wiggling in the distance. On rare occasions, people have seen the Kunekune over the open sea. It often appears to be "blowing" in the wind—even if there is no wind.

The scary part is that if you see the Kunekune, you should turn around. Do not go near it and definitely do not touch it. It is said that if a person tries to get too close to the Kunekune, they will go insane. Worse, if they touch it, they will die on the spot.

The best solution is to ignore the Kunekune, because it will then ignore you back. The problem is, how can you ignore such a thing?

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