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AN: For this fanfiction because it's crucial for my OC's relationship to the other crystal gems, I'm gonna have it that Amethyst was found during the 5,000 year war instead after. Also the order of certain events during the show may be written out of order, some events happening earlier than showed in the show; forewarning. 

Previously on Return of the Lost Shield

"B-but-" Pearl stuttered as she tried to crawl closer but flinched back as Obsidian screamed.

"GO!" His loud yell was enough to get Pearl stumbling onto her legs, gritting her teeth, and running away. Away from the footsteps, away from the Homeworld Gems, and away from him. And Obsidian's yell echoed in her ears as she ran back to base to tell everyone the devastating news.

'Why am I such a failure?!' Pearl screamed in her mind as tears streamed down her face.

-Flashback end-

Present Day

'If only I was stronger then maybe...just maybe then Obsidian wouldn't have gotten captured. But I'm not that same little Pearl that I used to be' Pearl thought refusing the guilt-ridden tears from falling, she didn't deserve that kind of relief.

"Oh Obsidian, if only you could see how beautiful this planet is now that the war is over" Pearl said softly as she stared off into the ocean from under her cherry blossom tree; her favorite spot to be at when she thinks about him. Obsidian was the gem who introduced her to some of the hobbies humans indulged in; gardening. Pearl remembers the horror she felt when she thought that gardening was like the Kindergartens. Obsidian laughed at her for hours until he finally explained that gardening was a mutual relationship. He was always there for her, he taught her how to wield a sword and about any questions she had. Obsidian was her mentor, teacher, and close friend.

"PEARL!" A sudden shout interrupted her moment of reminiscing.

"WHAT! Amethyst don't you see I'm busy?!" Pearl yelled back while remaining in her lotus position. Knowing that the small immature purple skinned and short white haired gem, wearing a black collar and light blue overalls.

"Yeah, yeah, you're busy sitting on your BUTT!" Amethyst said as she shape shifted into Pearl.

"What are you-" Pearl started asking confused.

"WUMP!" Amethyst said as she smacked her butt.

"Hahah very funny Amethyst that's very mat-" Pearl rolled her eyes and was gonna brush it off but...

"WUMP!" Amethyst got right in Pearl's face and smacked her butt again.

"Ohhhhh you!" Pearl said getting up and running after Amethyst as she ran away laughing.

"Garnet! Protect me!" Amethyst said as she hid behind a tall curvaceous gem with magenta colored skin, a large square afro and a darker magenta star cropped top and tight black leggings.

"Hmmm. No" Garnet said as she shifted her mirror visor but the hint of a smile could be seen on the fusion's face.

"Come here you little-" Pearl growled as she took a couple menacing steps forward.

"Alright girls I think that's enough" A soft motherly voice cut through, belonging to a large curvy women with long tube tendrils of pink hair wearing a white layered dress.

"Remember we promised to help out Mr. Universe with his human music video" Rose Quartz said as she started walking down their hill heading towards the beach, knowing that the other gems would soon follow.

"Alright, yeah. He said he would give me some human pop candy if I hit the drums for him" Amethyst said as she quickly ran out following Rose.

"We should probably get going to or-" Pearl started but got cutoff by Garnet.

"Were you thinking about Obsidian again?" Garnet suddenly asked stunning Pearl into silence not expecting that abrupt question.

"...Yeah, I was thinking about the day he was captured" Pearl said as she looked off to the side.

"You know that wasn't your fault, Pearl" Garnet said in hopes of consoling her grieving friend.

"I don't want to talk about this right now!" Pearl gritted out between her clenched teeth.

"Pearl-" Garnet began but was cutoff as Pearl burst out.

"Garnet! NO! I don't want to talk about it, will you just drop, please!" Pearl pleaded as she stomped out of the house.

'...Pearl you know that Obsidian wouldn't want you to blame yourself' Garnet sighed as she shook her head and went out of the house.

-Kindergarten Cell-

"Hey is that crystal gem rebel still alive? I mean his last session with Jasper was pretty rough, his gem is cracked and we can't really use him as a model for our artificial gems if he's damaged" A Peridot said while looking over the badly injured body of Obsidian lying in the containment cell.

"Alright, get one of the Pearls to transfer him to the medic bay and make sure she's equipped with a gem destabilizer in case he decides to try something. We have to make sure that he's at optimal health for the upcoming experiment" Another Peridot said as she was mindlessly scrolling through her screen with her finger stylus.

What the two Peridots didn't know was that a certain male gem was listening in on their conversation and decided to make a plan of escape.

'Soon. Just in a little bit and I will be free...' Obsidian thought wearily as he was planning for every variable that could happen.

-Half an hour later-

"Ummmm...Prisoner O-Obsidian it's t-time for your visit to the m-medic bay" the soft voice of a blue Pearl said meekly, tightening her grip around the gem destabilizer as she stared at the bruised and damaged Obsidian lying on the ground. Shifting on her feet the Pearl felt twinges of sympathy in her chest seeing Obsidian in such a poor state. She gripped her arms where the healed bruises used to be, punishment for failing to follow orders.

"Come on p-prisoner, I have been instructed to take you to the infirmary to have you looked at" Blue Pearl said softly but strongly as she knelt down and went to reach out and grab his arm and was shocked as his arm suddenly grabbed hers. His large hand engulfed her slender arm easily and despite his weakened state, she knew that this Gem could easily overpower her and run. But the aura around him made her feel safe and protected as if a shield was ready to protect her from any danger. 

'Just who is this gem?' Blue Pearl thought as she allowed Obsidian to lean on her tiny frame as they made their way to the infirmary. Blue Pearl's head was filled with questions as she helped along the injured rare male gem to treat his injuries and prepare him for the upcoming experiments. 

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