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"i need you," josh whispered again. for ten days, he had kept vik's unconscious body company in the hospital.

ten days since vik had been hit by a car and sent into a coma on his late night run.

the run that josh had let him go on.

"i need you, i need you, i need you...." josh whispered again and again.

each day, he told vik something new that he had loved about him; things he was too scared to say when he had the chance due to fear of rejection.

"please come back." josh's vision blurred and a wetness trickled down his face that had become very familiar since the accident.

as he was losing the last shred of hope, josh heard eight words that he would never, could never, forget.

"i've felt the same way the whole time."

All the Things he Couldn't Say • zerkstar shortWhere stories live. Discover now