More Interviews

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Fuuto and (r/g/n) became the hit news in th last couple of weeks. Besides concerts all Fuuto and (r/g/n) were doing were interviews. Fuuto's music was barely part of it, and (r/g/n)'s acting wasn't praised. All the hosts were talking about was their relationship.


"Hello miss (r/g/n) (r/l/n), and Mr. Fuuto Asahina," the host said.

"Hello, (tv host)." Fuuto and (r/g/n) greeted.

"So I'm guessing Fuuto, you have had a lot of fun on your tour and (r/g/n), you've had a blast with that new movie you're working on. Am I right?" (Tv host) asked.

"Yes, of course I love to meet my fans," Fuuto said.

"And working on this new movie was an experience I've never had," (r/g/n) replied.

"Yes, yes. So I heard there's some chemistry between you two," the host said.

"Uh yes, we recently started dating," Fuuto replied.

"Amazing! So how'd you two meet?" The host asked.

"Uhh well we met on my first tour, when I was just starting out," Fuuto said.

"So how was he like at first?" The host turned (his/her) attention on (r/g/n).

"Well he was so shy and he was so adorable," she gushed, and intertwined her hands with Fuuto.

"So when did you realize your feelings towards each other?" Another question popped up.

"Well she was always there for me when I needed her. I had a few personal problems at home and she was here the whole time," he smiled.

"And he was just so hardworking no matter what came up. And no matter what happened he stayed strong," she said.

"So who made the first move?" The host asked.

"(R/g/n) made the first move, she just asked me out one night we were hanging out and we're still going strong," Fuuto replied.

Where was you first date? Are you guys planning to get married? How many kids? Questions about their relationship swarmed throughout the interview. Barely any questions about their careers were mentioned. After the interview they happily walked off stage.

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