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“I feel like you used my knee as an excuse a lot today?” Jessica said.

“Was it obvious?” Donghae said. Jessica nodded.

“Well, at least you had fun, right?”Donghae said. Jessica nodded again.

“Then we are all good.” Donghae said. They were sitting in the car waiting for something or someone.

“What are we waiting for?” Jessica said. They left the party but were still in the parking garage.

“Waiting for Sungmin and Sunny.” Donghae said.

“What if they are staying late?” Jessica asked.

“We are good, there is only so much that Sunny can take before she is going to whine to Sungmin about leaving.” Donghae said. Sungmin and Sunny came out of the elevator and were walking to their car.

“See, I told you.” Donghae said. Donghae drove his car so they were next to Sungmin.

“Hey Sungmin, what are you guys going to do?” Donghae asked.

“We were going home.” Sunny said.

“I think we should have some fun before the night is over.” Donghae said.

“I thought Jessica’s knee was hurting.” Sungmin said.

“You know a bruise really only hurts for like an hour right?” Donghae said. Jessica nodded, she poked her knee and there was no pain.

“You make a great point.” Sungmin said.

“So what’s the plan?” Sunny said.

“Well, I got a car and Sungmin has a car. We can go anywhere.” Donghae said.

“Interesting, let’s wager.” Sungmin said. Sunny slapped her face.

“Let’s go to Jeju island.” Jessica said.

“We need a boat to get there.” Donghae said.

“I know, my family owns a boat in Busan. So if we are going to wager, let’s make it interesting.” Jessica said. Donghae smiled.

“Why are you promoting this behavior?” Sunny said. Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon came out of the elevator.

“Let’s wager whoever is last on the boat, will pay for everyone’s trip in Jeju island.” Sungmin said.

“What are you guys doing?” Eunhyuk asked, walking over with Hyoyeon.

“Hey Eunhyuk, you come join in this bet.” Donghae said.

“I thought you guys needed rest?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Yea, we are going on a trip to Jeju! To relax and enjoy the weekend.” Donghae said. Sunny suddenly smiled.

“So we, six, are going to Jeju island by car. Obviously, we can’t get there by car so Jessica offered to use her boat which is located in Busan. We are wagering whoever is last on the boat will pay for everyone’s trip in Jeju.” Sunny explained.

“In one hour, we will all meet at our house and we will start this race. Any route can be taken, just get to Busan.” Donghae said. Jessica nodded.

“Deal.” Sungmin said.

“What about you guys?” Sunny grinned. Eunhyuk looked at Hyoyeon.

“Yes we are going!” Hyoyeon said.

“What are you doing?” Eunhyuk said.

“You need to join in this fun.” Hyoyeon said.

“What if we don’t win?” Eunhyuk said.

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