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Luca's point of view:

Insomnia is a pain. I've had it ever since I was a kid. It used to be the nightmares that would keep me awake, but then it eventually evolved into insomnia. The only thing that can really ease the pain I feel at night is looking at art. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, graffiti, anything to keep my mind distracted. But I really like looking at his art. The way his strokes hit the paper and span across the page. The only thing is, he uses a lot of blue. Not that I have a problem with it, his art is beautiful. It's just there are so many other colors he could use, and he chooses blue most of the time. Not that I've seen a lot of his art. Just the ones I see when I steal glances at his drawing pad in art.

Killer Queeeeeen, dynamite and a lazerbea-

"Hello?" I asked picking up my phone. Who the hell is calling at this time of night? I thought as I waited for a response. But wait, that song was reserved for one person . . .

"Luca, where the hell are my drawings?"

"Hey Renny," I said, a soft grin threatening my lips.

"Luca, I'm serious. Where are my drawings, some of them are missing and no one else touched my drawing book but you."

"Dude, it's three AM. You need to calm down. I'm sure they're there." I said in the calmest voice possible. I knew how much his drawing meant to him, he was probably panicking.

"Give them back Luca." Ren said, his voice serious. I sat up in bed, leaning against the wall behind me. I could hear a fan running from the other side of the line and the faint sound of something being knocked against. Maybe he was wrapping his knuckles on something, trying to calm himself down.

"Okay, fine, I took some . . ." I sighed. I just wanted to look at them. He doesn't let me flip through his book so I took some loose drawings out when he was saying goodbye to the art teacher.

"Why would you do that!? God . . ." I grinned slightly hearing his voice crack. It wasn't a sad voice crack, just a normal teenage boy one. "You're so annoying! Dragging me around like I'm a puppy, stealing my stuff all the time, intruding on my space. What's up with you Luca? Can't you just focus on some tramp and leave me alone?"

I was shocked, did Ren really just say that? Did he really see me as some man whore that takes advantage of girls?

"Ren, do you really see me like that?" I asked, sitting up straight and throwing my legs over the edge of my bed.

"No, I'm just mad. You took my art Luca," his voice seemed strained now.

I nodded, remembering he couldn't see me I spoke in the coolest voice I could, "Whatcha hiding? Drawings of naked men?"

I could hear Ren's eyes rolling before his actual voice, "It's normal for people to draw anatomy Luca . . ."

"I was only joking . . . I'm sorry dude, I'll give you them tomorrow," I said picking up one of his drawings from my side table. I heard a long exasperated sigh escape his lips.

"First of all, it's three AM, meaning it is 'tomorrow'. Second, it's Saturday."

"Your point?" I asked looking down at the paper I had picked up.

"We don't have school, therefore you can't give me my stuff back."

"I'll be over at ten, be presentable, don't wanna walk in on a naked Ren," I cleared my throat sarcastically before finishing. "That'd be awkward."

Knowing he'd object, I hung up and silenced my phone. I stared at Ren's art in awe.

There was a room, blue wallpaper peeling off the walls, in the middle sat a girl. Her face was hidden in her hands and she had this long blonde hair, it was so beautiful.

I picked up another drawing and stared at it in shock. Is this, my eye?

I held the paper up towards my mirror and gasped at the resemblance.

"There's no way . . ." I breathed out. Confused and flustered, I exchanged the drawing for another from the small pile I had sitting on my table.

The next one hit me hard in the gut, 'anatomy', that's what he called it right? Drawing naked people?

The guy had abs, they weren't too big and defined but they were there. He also had nice biceps, like nice biceps.

I was kind of disappointed when I realized the guy didn't have a face. It would at least be nice to know who's balls I was looking at. Woah, too far Luca, too far.

I flipped the paper over and sighed. His art was so amazing . . . It made me feel so good inside . . .

It sounds lame, I know, but when I look at his art it makes my worries go away.

I wish he'd just let me look through his sketchpad . . .


When I knocked on Ren's door nobody answered, so being the intrusive person I am. I opened the door and walked right in. Creepy? Maybe a little.

"Ren!" I called from the doorway. No response. I never pegged him as he kind of person to sleep in till noon. I called out his name one more time before shouting, "I'm coming upstairs, please be wearing some goddamn clothes!"


I looked up the staircase to see Ren standing there with a towel on his head. I half grinned and laughed.

"At least you're wearing pants," I said. He looked down at his sweatpants and then back at me.

"Um . . ." He did this thing where he titled his head when he was confused, adorable if I do say so myself. As he tilted his head the towel fell off it and flopped onto the floor. "Luca, how'd you-"

"The door was unlocked," I said cutting him off.

"I was going to ask how you knew where I lived. The fact you entered my house without permission doesn't surprise me in the slightest." Ren said in a calm voice. I looked at the front door and then back at Ren.

"I remember we used to walk the same route home, I actually had to knock on a coupla houses until someone knew who Ren Demone was." I scratched the back of my head nervously and let out a forced laugh.

I glanced at his chest and then looked at the ground. He was fit for a total nerd.

You're probably wondering why I keep saying these types of things. I'm gay. Yup, totally gay. I'm okay with it. Still in the closet though, don't need the coach knowing, he's kinda a homophobic dickwad.

"Luca?" Ren asked. I looked up at him.

"Yes, Ren?"

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