A New Story Begins

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"Do we enter yet?" An obnoxiously male voice asks, sounding much younger than their actual age. "No." A bored feminine voice replies, before the male's voice from before shouts out in pain.

"OW! What the death you do that for!?"

"Because you annoy me."

"Wait! You actually feel an emotion!?"

Silence enters between the two voices once more, before a loud "thwack" is heard.


Meanwhile, outside in an arena filled with people, are our favorite teams competing in the Grand Magic Games. Feather Bullet made 6th place. Nina was so excited, the radioactive pinknette shot two machine guns upon their entrance. Another guild made 7th, Sandy Bandit, but we'll get to them in the next chapter.

Sabertooth just made their entrance, when pumpkin man, Mato, states an unexpected change to this years games.

"Good Morning Everyone! Punkin!!! We have some splendid news! For the first time ever, the council is allowing Knight Skies to participate in this years game!"

Everyone thought the audience couldn't get more excited, but they were wrong. The stands went crazy. It took awhile for the people to quiet down so Chapati could continue where Mato left off.

"This acceptance by invitation-only guild, will not be competing for a prize. Each team here will have the chance to summon one member of Knight Sky in the final event of the last day of the games!!! Knight vs. Slayer! The winning team of the each event, will choose which slayer from their own team either Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, or Fairy Tail, will have to battle a certain Knight from the already selected tributes! If the slayer wins, that tribute will have a token that'll allow whoever gets it, to summon the tribute to battle by their side on the last day of the games!!! Let's introduce the four tributes!"

The Dragon and God Slayers quirk an eyebrow in wariness at this turn of events, as fog filled the stadium field.

"All the perks. Really?" Sting complains with crossed arms.

"Now let me introduce each competitor individually. First to appear is a woman who loves sweets and tricks and black cats! Hexalina XIII! The first and only Witch Slayer!"

Out comes flying on a silver scythe broom, is a girl wearing a black pointed witches' hat and black curled-toe boots. Pink and black striped pantyhose peek out under her puffy black skirt, while her white puffy shirt is held tight around her small chest, by a green laced and purple outlined black corset. Her hair is shoulder length, straight hair frames her youthful face in midnight-colored locks, with the ends slightly curled inwards. A twinkle of light appears in her dark brown eyes as she lands on her feet after a perfectly executed front flip.

"Witch Slayer or Witch?" Natsu whispers to Elfman and Gray, who nod in agreement as the short girl lands across from the teams.

"Next we have the Priestess, Toriko!!!!"

A soft, calm and clean scented breeze fills the area, blowing glowing Red Japanese Maple leaves, from one of over 800,000 varieties, that waft in a slight warm feel against the skin. In a red, white, and black priestess attire(image above), strides out a young teenage girl with brown eyes and sleek black hair, up in a high ponytail.

On her feet are traditional bamboo sandals with white tabi. Occupying her two small hands is a humble wooden broom, but hanging low around her neck is long strand of light blue beads with a large yellow-orange tasseled bead at its center.

"Now we have a dragon slayer of Death!" Every single dragon slayer in attendance looks towards the entrance of this unknown character, in suspicion and suspense. "A pile of bones(1), Nevin!!!!"

With an obnoxious cackling and guffawing laugh and chuckle, speeds out a tall young man with short, messy, dark purple hair and wild, electric purple eyes. Behind him is a dust cloud, and his legs a blur, despite the tight black pants he's wearing. A black long-sleeved shirt was adorned with a white chiffon tasseled scarf around his lithe waist. Once he skidded to a stop, they all noticed the black slide on sandals, that about flew off his feet. His build far too thin to be considered "normal" for a male dragon slayer.

Not a single care in the world, as he soaked in the cheering and adoring shouts of the crowd with his fists raised above his head. A chuckled, "yeyeyeyeah," escaped his adorable openmouthed, fanged smirk, as a glint of smug victory appears on his amused face. His eyes sparkling in mirth, before a rock strikes him on the back of his head; effectively knocking him flat on his face. Hexagons grins in triumph.

"And our special final tribute(hunger games much!!!), Lynn Gesso!"

An average height female of 165 cm, walks out. Her skin abnormally white in the bright sun. Covering her eyes from the light, is her small delicate hand with onyx colored nails. Her hair is short and wavy, and the wind blows her straight bangs back, allowing the audience to notice two neatly primped brows knitted together. Teal locks of a more darker shade, contrast greatly against her overtly pale skin.

Once her eyes adjusted to the light, they remained squinted, almost in hatred towards it. Both are a ghostly electrifying ice blue. She's wearing a black and white horizontal banded halter top, a deep royal blue hip scarf with silver dangles that jingle, and black leggings. On her feet are black flats, that are classy, but good for a fight.

Hexalina XIII shakes her head, a sigh passing her bright blue painted lips.

"Girl! get some sun already!"

Laughter fills the air around them, but it's the absence of one laugh, that catches the female Knights' attention. Turning their heads as one, to the purple-headed male.

"Oi! Bonesy!! You're nevah qui-----!!"

The loud exclamation causes every single thing in the vicinity to face plant dramatically.


(1)the name Nevin means "a pile of bones."

Requip: Bones, Fears, & KnightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora