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We all have our secrets. Things we want no one to know. Mostly because of one of two reasons. Number one, insecurities. If anyone knew it, it would be the end of our reputations. These secrets are usually small ones, like you still sleep with a teddy bear or watch a little kid show all the time. But some secrets are ones that could land you in big trouble. Like you murdered someone, and you didn’t mean to, but it still would land you in jail! But for me, Bella Watson, my secret was hidden in my attic. And not in a metaphorical sense, it was literally hidden in my attic. Right in the tired looking corner right below a large window. But because it was my secret that was right by the window, I found myself sewing long curtains to cover the secret up, and keep it out of view. My secret was best during the hot summer days. I would open the window just a crack to let the soft breeze in and cover it up with the long, blue fabric. The once bed sheet curtain would gently billow in the breeze with ripples of cool air. It was simply relaxing as I sat, my secret in my lap, and let my sorrows drift away. “But what is the secret?!” You’re probably screaming. “It’s in your lap?!” My secret, my one true outlet and fear at the same time, was a keyboard.

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