+Jisung Facts

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He loves to play soccer.

He excels at popping and locking.

He has been dancing since he was 8 years old.

He also likes rapping and singing.

Before debut, he was featured prominently with other young SMROOKIES on the South Korean version of "The Mickey Mouse Club".
Other members describe him as very kind and smart.

They also say he's very shy.

He has been a trainee ever since he was in the 5th grade.

He was first introduced into the NCT program on December 17th, 2003.

He was a child actor, appearing in many commercials.

He was also in a show called "Funny Funny" in 2009.

The other members say that he doesn't turn off his alarm immediately in the morning, which can get annoying.

They say that Jisung is very patient, and doesn't get angry easily.

He also doesn't voice his opinions often either

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