Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The Boss looked at his 'trusted' employee. Casper Wyoming glared back at this pudgy, little nuisance.

"What do you want now?" Casper demanded roughly. Thinking better on it, he added with a hint of sarcasm, "Sir?"

The Boss nodded appreciatively. "I'm sure you know about our latest... Hm, how to put it?" He thought for a moment, obviously choosing a less violent term for the backstabbing Victoria has done. "Predicament." He looked at Wyoming straight in the eye.

Casper chuckled at the boiling hatred in The Boss' eyes. As much as he would like to shove the fact that a little girl - a mere maggot, actually - even had the nerve to think about betraying the Vespers, Casper had no heart at this moment. Maybe next time. "I am aware," was all he said, ignoring a throbbing pain on his shoulder blades.

The Boss ran his tongue over his thin lips, like a feral animal waiting to pounce on its prey. "I want her executed."

Four words.

Just four words to decide on the fate of a sixteen-year-old. Or, how was she supposed to be now again? Twenty? Twenty-two? He lost track. To be precise, he just never really cared.

Casper looked uninterested. In fact, he looked so bored, one could guess that he expected The Boss to say those exact same words. Casper placed his weight on his right foot and leaned sideways. "What exactly do you want me to do?" he asked, all business now.

"Ring up your twin and come up with whatever plan to obliterate young Victoria from the world," The Boss replied simply, spinning his chair so that he was facing the huge window that serves as his office's wall. Casper frowned at The Boss' chubby, fold-filled neck.

"I don't need Cheyenne," Casper muttered. He shoved his hands in his trouser pockets. "If that is all..."

"Make sure you do it nice and easy," The Boss considered, looking out the busy street thoughtfully. "With a hint of sharp, gut-wrenching pain for -"

"For the both of them," Casper interrupted, his dark eyes glinting at the many, happy possibilities. He sure wouldn't like it. Make that little maggot go back to the dirt where he belongs. Make him realise that he's not all that after all. "I gladly accept this job... Sir." He left the room with a lighter step.

The Boss sighed. If only they had gone according to plan, none of this would have happened.

Not this soon, anyway.


Sinead rang the hidden doorbell. She didn't hear any rushing footsteps hurrying to hide the final traces of whatever mess the others have left. No panicked hissing, either. Huh. That was unexpected, indeed. After all, she purposefully texted her brothers a couple hours earlier just to make sure they have enough time to build the mansion back from the splinters they left it in. She positioned her finger to press the doorbell again when Ned opened the door, his auburn hair looking dishevelled as if he'd just come out of bed.

He yawned hugely, appraising her. "Oh. Just you," he said, sounding disappointed.

Sinead raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm fine, dear brother. No need to thank God that I'm alive," she said sarcastically. Ned shrugged as he opened the door wider and gestured for her to come in.

"Who's at the door?" Ted shouted from inside the house.

"Some red-headed freak," Ned called back.

"Is it the pizza guy?" Ted asked.

"No. It's our sister!"

"Oh." Ted sounded as disappointed as his brother.

Sinead rolled her eyes. "Of course," she muttered to herself. "Better the pizza guy than their sister."

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