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Luke sighed, trying to fix his hair in some way other than the way he always wore it. He was going with Michael and his friends to a pub to see Michael's friend's band play and he'd be damned if he just looked like plain old Luke.

He left the bathroom with a huff, having given up on his floppy hair. Michael, a girl and two other guys were lounging around when he did so.

"You okay?" Michsel asked, looking up and noticing Luke's defeated expression.

"Yeah. Cant get my hair the way I want it." Michael smirked.

"We have a cosmetology major in the room!" Luke looked from the guy with purple hair to the guy in the floral kimono to the girl with black and pink hair. He assumed it was her, but purple hair tattoo guy stood from his spot on the bed.

"Hi! I'm Josh!" He said with a smile. Luke smiled back at him.

"My sister has a friend named Josh."

"I can try to fix up your hair if you want" he offered. Luke nodded.

"That'd actually be great if you could. I can't do hair." Josh grabbed Luke's shoulders and directed him back to the bathroom. He looked around and Luke's limited hair products and clicked his tongue.

"Is this all you have?" Luke nodded sheepishly and Josh shrugged.

"We'll have to dip into Mikeys thorough supply is all." Josh opened a small cupboard and began pulling things out. He sat Luke on the toilet and went to work combing and spraying and teasing until finally he stood back and smiled at his handy work.

"Much better." He commented, gesturing for Luke to look in the mirror. Luke smiled at his new quiffy hair do.

"Damn! Can you just come do my hair every day?" He asked, turning his head to the side to admire it. Josh's cheeks turned pink and he looked down at his feet.

"It was nothing really. I could teach you how to do it." He replied as he and Luke exited the bathroom. Michael whistled jokingly as did the girl and the brunette guy.

"Nice job Joshy boy!" The brunette complimented. Josh sat next to him and shrugged.

"Thanks, Ty." Luke plopped into a bean bag and smiled.

"So Like... who are you guys?" He asked awkwardly. Michael gasped.

"Oh yeah! Well that's Josh and Tyler and she's Melanie" he explained, gesturing to each of them as he did so. Luke smiled at each of them. "Guys, this is my roommate Luke." They each greeted him in their own way.  After visiting for a while, Vic burst through the door with Kellin on his heels.

"You guys ready to roll?" He asked. They all stood and smiled. Luke was ready to meet more of Michael's friends.

They all walked to the club where Oli's band was supposed to play, and Melanie fell into step with Luke.

"Are you from around here?" She asked softly. Luke shrugged.

"A few hours drive from here actually. My mom wasn't very happy about it but this was my first choice college." Melanie nodded.

"Makes sense. Gotta follow your dreams man." She said, pulling a cigarette seemingly out of nowhere. "Want one?" She asked, holding the pack toward him.

"Ill pass for now." Melanie shrugged and proceeded to suck deeply on the cigarette. They enteref the club, and Melanie put her cigarette out on the side of the building. Luke's palms began to sweat. He'd never been to a club before.

I'm not dead I promise! Let me know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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