Episode 4

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The three wolves have been traveling not too long when Eirian begins to slip behind. Iwrin is sure to never let go of Eirian's hand ties, but the two betas have much more stamina than Eirian, who is only used to riding horseback. He has never needed to travel so far on foot before, and the exercise is exhausting.

"Excuse me, Sir Iwrin, might we slow down a bit?" Eirian asks, huffing between every other word.

The betas have been kind, despite abducting him, and Eirian hasn't the energy to be fighting them every step of the way.

"Oh, you are already tired? We've barely made it a tenth of the way there." Hec teases, both him and Iwrin stop so Eirian can catch his breath.

"Yes, well." Eirian doesn't even attempt to defend himself. It's true, he is very weak in the physical sense.

Iwrin and Hec exchange looks, "Alright pup, up you go!" And Iwrin has lifted Eirian bodily over his shoulder, just like when Iwrin and Hec had first captured him.

"Uh! Iwrin, please put me back down." Eirian pleads. But Iwrin and Hec both ignore him, and continue walking at a much faster rate now.

Eirian gives up a flops against Iwrin's back. They make it much further by nightfall, with Eirian not holding them back.

They've deviated entirely from the original mountain pass, crossing through a dense and rarely traversed forest. The three of them have crosses rivers, encountered many deer, and even a wildcat.

Since they were still all wolves, none of the wild animals attacked them, and Eirian was grateful, because he had never needed to defend himself against a wild animal before.

Iwrin and Hec did teach him a few comabt skill as they traveled. Though they didn't teach him anything he could use against them, it was enough that he had minimal defense skills now.

Which was better than he had previously. The Picts were a warrior culture, and to have absolutely no fighting skills whatsoever was deeply embarrassing for both the individual and their family.

Eirian's father hadn't cared, so long as Eirian never made any public appearances and couldn't fight.

"Now, don't go telling anyone we taught you defense, if anyone found out we was teaching omegas to fight, they'd kick our asses." Iwrin grinned, and Eirian stared at him in confusion.

"Why? Everyone should know at least basic fighting skills, especially omegas, considering they're just that much physically weaker." Eirian told them, as Iwrin hopped over some old roots and rocks while Eirian counted each leaf they passed on the floor.

"Are you kidding me? Omegas shouldn't be fighting, only alphas and betas do that."

Eirian looked at Iwrin, "But that's just begging for an invasion. As soon as you present, you begin training, so you can fend off invading tribes. My father was the king of many Pict tribes, he was the strongest wolf ever."

Iwrin barked a laugh. "Your father is going to be in for a big surprise."

"What's that supposed to mean!"

Iwrin glanced back at where Eirian was slumped over his shoulder.

"It means, many new people have been coming to our land from across the sea. Briton, the Picts, even the Gauls, everyone is being attacked by these strange people.

"I've seen em' myself too, they bring strange new weapons, and have no regard for anything they find here."

Eirian shivered, he'd never heard of any such people. But the Picts were fairly inland, they were all warriors, and much further upland than the Britons or the Gauls. They lived in a relatively colder area, where summer was chilly and winter could be deadly.

"Where do they come from? The island to the west?" Eirian asks. That's where the Gauls had come from.

"No, our general believes they come from a land across the sea, they speak a strange language, one I've never heard of before, but they come in fairly small and manageable clusters." Hec offers.

Eirian absorbs the information, wondering if he can warn his father, if he ever escapes, that is.

They walk for what seems like forever, which in reality has only been two or three days, when Hec finally announces that they've arrived, where at though, Eirian has no idea.

They approach a set of huge gates, which open at Hec's behest, and a large village lies just behind it's walls.

The noise of people selling their wares and farm animals is soothing in a way Eirian hadn't realized it could be. It reminds him of the sounds back home, where he could always hear similar sounds just beyond the castles walls.

Most people greet Hec and Iwrin with happy calls, and stare at Eirian with intrigue.

They set him down at the gate walls so he could walk the rest of the way for himself, but now Eirian is regretting his request to walk, the curious looks of the people are intimidating, and he wraps his tail up around his leg.

A small wolf pup runs up to Hec yelling out, "Daddy! Daddy! You're home!"

"Hey! Have you been good while I was gone? Where's your dame?" Eirian peeks around Iwrin and can see father and son nuzzling and scenting each other as a smiling, pure white omega comes up to take the pup, nuzzling into his mates fur while they greet each other.

"That's Hec's mate, every alpha was teeming with jealousy when Sema chose Hec over everyone. I personally thought it was the best thing ever." Iwrin leans down to Eirian to explain.

Eirian is shocked, he never even considered that the omega might have chosen his mate. He's used to omegas being given away in marriage in exchange for land, animals, and, in his case, as part of a treaty. It's strange to know that here, wherever here is, omegas can choose who they want instead of it being chosen for them.

After Hec greets his family, they move on to the fairly large castle that's been situated right up against the bottom of a huge cliff.

They approach the entrance, Hec and Iwrin beside him, and for the first time since Iwrin and Hec first captured him, Eirian is truly scared again.

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