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To put it simply, it had been a rough morning.

Dr Fernandez sighed as he placed the cigarette lightly between his lips, dragging in on the sweet nicotine between the rolled paper. I don't care if I can't smoke in here, he thought to himself, I need one of these. Choking on the smoke, his assistant walked in. "I don't think you should do that in here, sir," she said politely, "Rocko's in a bad condition as it is. I don't think smoking is going to do him any good."

Fernandez sighed and sat up in his chair and spun round to look at her in the face. "I don't care about that damn animal," said Fernandez, pulling the cigarette from his lips and putting it out in the overflowing ash tray on his desk, "Not after it bit me." He stared down at his left hand, dressed messily in bandages soaked with crimson and scarlet blood.

"But sir--" she began, but Fernandez stood up and placed his finger over her lips. "Quiet!" he demanded, and she stepped back, "Do you heard that?"

Fernandez listened closely as a strange squealing noise aroused his ear drums. "I'm going to look what it is," he said, turning around and beginning to walk, "You cover me. Just for five minutes. Probably that damn gorilla again!" Angrily, Fernandez ripped the ID card from his pocket as he paced aggressively towards the large, steel electronic door. He inserted the ID firmly into the slot and placed his hand on the scanner. The cold, shiny metal pressed against his hand and he felt the heat of the red laser brush down his hand.

He expected the green light to flash and for him to yank the card from the slot. However, his body jolted in shock as the red light strobed and an emotionless female voice electronically cried "ACCESS DENIED."

"What the he--" he began, but was interrupted by a large, bulky shadow coming over him. He spun round and there it was. Thick, bulky, black and tall, it growled at him. 

Thick defined eyebrows and

"You damn gorilla!" he cried to Rocko, who snorted. The animal's stomach pulsed forwards, and Fernandez squinted. "What the hell are you doing?"

Suddenly, the animal's lower jaw collapsed down and blood red liquid spilled from the animal's mouth. Panicking, Fernandez cried out, "Maya! Over here! Something's happening to Rocko!" As the creature's chest surged out once more, a wincing crack erupted from the gorilla. One more time, and something punctured the animal's ribs. From the inside.

The something emerged. 

Fernandez screamed as the something leaped towards him, and extreme pain consumed his body and pulled him down onto the floor.

The something then proceeded to eat. His body.

Alien InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now