The date

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I was so annoyed by Takoi, he held my hand and was so cheerful the entire way to the restaurant. He held my hand so tightly the way there, I started to blush since there were tons of people to see.
Meeting up to walk to the restaurant
"Ushio! Over here!"
"I get it! You're in front of the corner store! Just stop yelling!"
"But you wont find me then!"
Under breath;
"Yes I will, you Nōtarin!" I swear the kinds of people I know are insane. He grabbed my hand right when I got to the spot he stood. The grip was gentle at first, but got tighter as we walked.
"Ow! Don't hold my hand so tightly. I'm fine if you hold my hand tightly just not that much, why are you holding it that tightly anyway?"
"Oh, sorry. I just didnt realized I gripped your hand tighter as we walked. Uhm... I was holding it tightly cause.... cause.... no reason, never mind it. Ok?" I stared at him with a glare. I knew something was wrong.
"Takoi, does a girl like you that you've seen while walking with me? And you don't like her back, so you get nervous of what she might think?"
"What? No! Nothing like that.... Nothing like that at all..."
"Takoi, I know that look. Your lying about that, if you see her. Tell me and I'll talk to her, ok?"
"Ok, Ushio." We held hands still the rest of the way, and I think at a point during that walk I tightened my grip on his hand. I'm not sure why it made him so happy but that's when he became in a daze of happiness and way to cheery the rest of the walk.
"God, Takoi. You become happy way to easily."
"Yea, but I only become that happy around you. That's why I love you!"
"Takoi! Keep your voice down, god." I started blushing bright red, he did too. I felt so embarrassed, every person stared at us in the restaurant.
After the date
"Thank you for taking me to a restaurant. I don't like going to certain places and I go there cause no one at school goes to that restaurant."
"No problem, Ushio. The food there was very good. Oh, and would you mind going out with me? As in dating me?" I blushed bright red, and he did too.
"You love me but.... I don't know if I do."
"Ok, well I'll wait until you do know! No matter how long it takes for you to decide, I'll always love you." He smiled brightly at me. I could tell he noticed that I blushed deeply.
"Ushio? Are you sure you don't like me yet?"
"Again, I don't know how I feel. I'll tell you when I know."
"Ok, let's walk home together!"
"Okay..." He grabbed my hand and tightly held it. We took a different route to our houses, we split paths at his house, so I ended up walking home alone.
In head
I don't know if I like him or not... he's sweet but annoying. He always asks me questions, doesn't take notes, but is so sweet when alone with me. Tomorrow, he wants to hang out again, he said we could go to a park. I can tell him then... For now, I need to focus on my work.

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