frockin taggos

100 10 24

i got taggo'd by reioso


go away


(osomatsu-san taggo)

1. Who is your favorite sextuplet?
all of them

2. Who is your favorite non-sextuplet character?
chibita :^)

3. Who is your least favorite character?
that little sly motherfuc—

4. Who is your least favorite sextuplet?
don't have a least favorite :V

5. When did you start watching the series?
idk like 2 months ago xdd

6. Do you own any merch?
Nope, my parents don't even know I'm an otaku

7. Do you play any of the apps?

8. Have you seen osomatsu-kun?

9. Which character do you relate to the most?
choro and ichi

10. When first watching the series, how long did it take you to tell the sextuplets apart?
probably 6 episodes

11. List the sextuplets from most to least favorite.
1- oso, kara, choro, ichi, jyushi, & todo
2- ???
3- idk
4- dust
5- ass
6- chshchfrhfekw

12. Why did you start watching the series?
was profile stalking and a person commented on a osomatsu-san x reader so then i looked it up

"oh that's cool i guess i'll check it out"

"what the fuc—"

13. Have you read any of the manga?
what there's manga??

14. What is your opinion of the season 1 ending?

15. Which opening theme do you like better?
the first one

16. Which ending theme do you like better?

17. What is your favorite episode?
my favorites are the ep 1 and ep 25 xdd

18. What is your opinion of episode one?
so good it cured my cancer from watching jacob satorious

19. Do you like the F6?
they're ok

20. Have you made any osomatsu-san fanart?
i hope doodles on the side of my papers count

21. Which episode or segment was your least favorite?
the one where they almost lived in dayon cos i mean
that was some freaky shiznit

22. What episode or segment did you laugh the hardest at?
ep 25 :")

23. Did you cry at any time while watching the series?

only 1 tear tho

i have really dry eyes... ;-;

24. If you could make your own Osomatsu-San episode, what would it be about?

25. How do you feel about multiple seasons of Osomatsu-San?
if it happens i will go to school dressed as a banana and hand people condoms

yeh thts it


i think u guys are the only peppel i no who also likes osomatsu san (besides ReiOso ofc)




im lonely

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