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Stop! Stop reminding me of those 6 years we had together! You were my best friend. Hah, little did I know, you were talking behind my back too. With her. Our best friend for 3 years.

And two days ago. Two fúcking days ago, Sabrina. Two days ago you stopped. You stopped talking to me, you stopped texting me, you didn't even look at me anymore. We don't have those moments anymore when you and I would look at each other and burst into fits of laughter.

Because she changed you.

I was so stupid. How could I let her get in between us. Peyton was our best friend of 3 years. But nope. This school year was the worse of 'em all. Peyton came to you. She talked behind my back.

And you fell for it. I hate you, Sabrina. I hate you.

I hate it. I hate the memories of when we would play games in class or when we would sing our hearts out to "Firework" by Katy Perry. And now I think what I did wrong.

It doesn't help that my grandmother is dying in another country and we don't have any money to so see her.

Life sucks.

You only talk to me to open our locker or for school work help.

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