Halfblood, anyone?

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I stand up, and whimper.

I sniff a man on the curb with head in hands.

He jumps, and looks at me with defeat.

My arm is still glowing, and it's scaring me.

I tell Oscar this, and he gets to my level like you would a dog.

He holds my face like a big dog, and whispers firmly, "I'm sorry. I... I made you one of us. I'm sorry. I'm soorrryy...."

I panic a bit, and ask, "One of what?"

He's encased in snow, and is replaced with a purpleish blue, leopard with that weird transparent appearance and abilities.

He whispers, "Look at yourself in the ice when we go to the lake. You'll see. Even now, if you look at me closely... you will see it in me."

I look closely at my best friend.

A green light comes from near his heart.
His coat type is that of a wolf, but it's on a snow leopard body.
His ears are wolfy, and now his head is a mix of the leopard and the wolf.

His eyes are the same, but slowly reducing to slits.

He leads me to a frozen puddle, and freezes it into a mirror finish.

I peer into it, and ask, "What monster is under the ice?"

I back up mortified at what lays below the ice.

Oscar growls at my statement, "You are no monster. We have been hidden from every other shifter for milennia.
We are few in numbers, but we all share the green glow. Look for it, and you'll find some really cool people."

Then, I focus on his mussle.

A green light faintly glows around it.

He comments, "I'm only showing a few of mine. Otherwise, I'd be a beacon. Yes, we do usually end up with a few scrapes and scars, but it's worth it."

I nod, still unsure about what I saw.

That thing was me?

I shudder, and back farther away.

Oscar notices my fear, and comes beside me with the elegance of a cat and the pride of a wolf.

Honestly, he's scary too.

All of this is.
Questions are all over my brain, allowing only fear
Random injuries?
Why are we hiden so much?
How does this work?

I hear a loud noise that sounded like a lion, a grizzly, a huge metal pot falling to the floor, and a wolf at the same time."

I take off running, scared of this new beast.

Oscar calls for me to come back.

He chases after me with lightening speed.

He seems to have a strategy, and forces me to turn to the left.

I take a right turn, a left turn, a right turn, no turn, a left turn, and repeat this so much I get confused and lost in a strange wooded area.

I skid to a stop, but soon get forced to keep going up a pair of stairs.
Then, we're in a school.

I stop, panic settling in.

A green glow is everywhere, and I feel anxiety overtake me.

The beast from before screams from somewhere, and I try to escape on the tile floor back out the door.

Unfortunately, the doors aren't there.
I hear it over and over, and everone else hears it too.

They imprison me in a ring, and the strange beast is way too close.

A blue glow covers me, and I snarl and my chest fur rubs on the floor.

A man comes forward, and extends his hand.

I nearly bite it off, ears pinned.

He forms some weird hand symbols.

I snarl, getting ready to pounce.

He retries, and Oscar signals behind me for him to stop.

He whispers, "She doesn't understand anything you're doing. She's scared, so just... let her chill out okay?"


I lunge, common human thoughts gone.

Then, an arm catches me from behind.

The beast roars again, and it's so close I could touch it.

I struggle to be free, the beast getting louder. Fiercer.

Oscar is trying desperately to calm me.

Then, I break free of his hold on my shoulders.

I howl, "Let me go!"

The beast echoes it back, mocking me.

I snarl at it to stop.

It simply echoes it back.

Now, I hear it over my own voice.

It's a telepath.

I bolt.

Then, Oscar catches on.

He bolts after me, and stops me from going out a window.

The beast snarls, and I skitter back.

Oscar wraps a rope arpund my neck, and tells me something shocking.

I've been running... from myself?

Oscar asks me not to try and run put of the school.

He whispers, "We all are here. Every halfblood. You can relax. None will harm a fox like hair on your hide."

I approach the glass, and pear into it.

I shudder.

How is that me?

The fox is mostly gone, except the tail.

My eyes are cat eyes, my head is wolf like, and my body is a mix of the streamlined cat and the bulky wolf.

The hair is also fox like, and the colours remain as they were in the Snow Area.

I ask, "Why am I... like this?"

He sighs, and explains everything.

He tells me that Halfbloods were originally called the Lost Animals.
He also explains, "We still go by it, but in public settings it's safer to say Halfblood.
You are a Tri. I'm also a Tri.
You are fox, black leopard, and wolf.
I am a wolf, snow leopard, fox.
The fox is from my sisters' quick heal on my mussle.
Anyways, Tri is as high as our bodies can go so far. Some say that certain combinations of opposing species can support another, but no one dares try it on anyone."

I nod, and ask, "Well, I guess we live here now?"

Oscar nods, and we walk back to the man who nearly lost his hand.

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