Journal Entry One: Watched

400 24 4

April 7th, 2014

I have no idea why I am writing. It is pointless to hold on to the past, especially in a....profession such as mine. Sly had told me to do this, to write in a journal. He says it's fun to reminisce my greatest kills as if I was re-living them. I guess that sounds fine.

Anyways, allow me to begin.

Today's kill was especially gruesome. The man was tall, broad, and well, dumb. He walked in to the alley where I waited, crouched on a fire escape with my knife ready. I had the strangest feeling like I was being watched, but I soon shook it off as the man passed underneath. Idiot. I leapt down on to the man and plunged my knife in to his arm. Of course, like all the others, he was going to scream, so I pulled the knife out and hit him in the head with the hilt to daze him. I smiled and pulled the prison shank from my back pocket and pried open his mouth, stabbing it in to his tongue. That would keep him from being vocal at least, for the time being, so I had to be quick. I dragged the knife from his chest down to his stomach, tearing his shirt and gouging his skin. He let out a feeble cry, so I decided it was time to end it. I pulled my arm back, and drove it in to his stomach, twisting it slowly. I held the knife there until the life left him, and pulled it back out. I had laughed slightly, stood, and collected my belongings.

But something...made a noise. I jerked my head up and pulled out my bloody knife to attack. A faint form that looked like a person shifted in the shadows before disappearing again. I walked around, making sure I was totally alone, before setting off to my usual place where I cleaned my weapons and changed my clothing.

Well, other than the occasionally feeling of being watched, it was a typical kill. I guess I'll see what lies in store for me next.



AN: Sorry it's so short. It's because it's the first entry, so it's not that long. After a few chapters, both of our stories will pick up c: just bare with us!

-FW and MXL

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