Chapter 1: Lets make a plan

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Once upon a time there were two twin sisters named Kathy and Kelly Barns they were 13 years old. Their parents Kasandra and Matthew Barns were married for 27 years but then divorced. Kathy and Kelly werent happy that their parents were getting divorced, but they made a plan. Their plan was to take money from their parents, pay for a family vacation on a cruise ship with a romantic dinner for their parents. But Kathy heard her parents fighting downstairs and they said that they were going seperate places. When Kathy told Kelly that she heard their parents going seperate places Kally complained,"We just payed for a family vacation with a romantic dinner."
"Don't worry. It won't ruin our plan." Kathy said.
The next day Kathy and Kelly woke up early to make breakfast for their mom and dad. Kasandra woke up first. Then Matthew did.
Matthew asked,"What are you doing?" Kathy said,"We are making you two breakfast." Kasandra asked,"Is it a special occasion?" "No."Kelly answered. Kasandra and Matthew sat down at the table quietly. Kelly brought the plates of pancakes and sausages to them. "Thank you." They both said. Kasndra and Matthew ate their breakfast. Then Kathy and Kelly asked shyly,"W-why are you two getting divorced?"Kasandra and Matthew looked at each other. Kasandra answered,"We had a fight about your dad's job." "What about dad's job?" They asked. "Your dad lost his job and he can't find another one. So we can't make any money." Kasandra said. "Can you just stay for a couple of months?" Kelly asked. Kasandra and Matthew looked at each other for a second then said,"ok."
Kasandra and Matthew stayed because Kathy and Kelly was begging them. Kathy and Kelly were happy. Well, at least for that time.

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