Chapter One: The Girl with Crimson Red Hair

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Chapter One: The Girl with Crimson Red Hair

The ground was painted like a battlefield, covered in the enemies blood. Bodies laid limp everywhere, the smell of death was overwhelming, and there seemed to be no sign of life until movement came from underneath the dead. A little girl with long crimson red and matching eyes crawled out from underneath the dead. There was nothing left of what she once knew. The trees that were once in full bloom earlier that day were now reduced to ashes, her home that once stood so tall was now a pile of rubble, and the family that took her in were now dead.

What happened to this place is unknown to the girl. It all happened so fast and without warning. She has no memory of what happened up until everything caught on fire. She looked up to see the sky was covered in a blanket of black smoke. The sun and the blue sky were completely blocked out.

"Where am I supposed to go now? What do I do now that I'm alone?"

The cold wind nipped at the poor girls feet and cheeks. With nothing but the sounds of cracking embers echoing through the silence of the dead village. She wandered around the place she called home until she couldn't take the pain in her feet anymore. They were burned to almost nothing and blood started to seep from them.

"I should've stayed buried underneath the dead and died as well. There's nothing for me here anymore. What good am I to anyone?"

A sudden snap from a chard stick startled her. When she looked up, to her surprise there stood a tall man with long white hair and he was wearing clog shoes. His appearance was like nothing she had ever seen before. She seemed breath taken but yet hesitant to go anywhere near him. As the strange man came closer she slowly distanced herself away from him., fighting through the pain in her feet.

There was a sudden pop as a house nearby started to become unstable and started to collapse. She didn't know what to do. Frozen in fear, thinking is this my time to die now, she didn't have time to have the debate with herself. For by the time she collected herself the strange man had scooped her up in his arms out of the hands of danger.

"That was a close one. Are you alright?" He looked down at the small girl, only to see how badly burned her feet really were and to feel the shacking of her small body.

"'re so warm..." The girl mumbled, her body shivering from the bitter cold.

Clinging to her saver for dear life to steal his body heat, she tried to tuck in her black charred feet into herself, but the pain of being burned was too much to bear. Wrapping the girl up in his arms, the strange man carefully wrapped a cloth around her stinging feet to ease the pain and hide them from the bitter cold wind.

"What's your name little one?" The man asked.

Her name was something she detested. She didn't think it fit her at all, Kimi. It was the name the family who was forced to raise her gave her. There was nothing really wrong with the name, she just didn't like it. The entire village hated her for a reason she didn't know or understand, and she doesn't know what happened to her real family. She was always alone, and she thinks it was because on the strange pentagram on her back and a dragon birthmark on her left arm. Not wanting to keep the name she didn't like she simply looked up at him and said. "I don't have one."

"That's no good, a pretty face like you needs a name." He thought about it for a moment. Thinking of all the names he could give her. "How about Hisana?"

"Hisana? Why Hisana?" She looked up at him, curious of his reasoning of name choices.

"Yes, is that alright? Hisana means Scarlet and it's a perfect fit for a young girl with beautiful long scarlet red hair. What clan are you from? "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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