chapter 2 : beach day

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Sam P.O.V:

i walked in to see Jc smile down at Kendrea and she was tracing her fingers around his cloud tattoo. I was really pissed off at Jc. I broke their moment by saying "hi Kendrea".She immediately drop his hand and say hi to me . Her cheeck was bright red when she walked out of the room. "Don't you think she's hot Sam?" Jc asked me. " yah....i..think so too" i murmered , thats the moment when i realize Jc liked her too .. i cant tell him that i liked her , it might damage our friendship. But I wanted to have Kendrea so badly its gonna be a tough month.

Kendrea P.O.V

I am seriously over the moon, to be in the same room and talking in person with Jc is probably be the best moment I've ever had ,since I was a kid. But Sam broke our moment by just saying hi, I think Sam is cute too but he's younger than me and a little crazier than Jc. The next day I woke up by this delicious scent and it is called breakfast I walked downstairs to see Jc and Sam with Conor next to them making breakfast, as I walked down Jc has the sweetest most adorable smile on his face and he blured out "hey there pretty face" Jc said he's face turn pink..i smile and said good morning everyone. I finished breakfast and walked up stair to look for Andrea !!! 'Andrea,Andrea where are you "i yelled out loud . I walked in and saw Kian next her holding her waist and they were making out!! "Oh my God people no PDA!!!!" i yell and laugh . Kian let her go and scratched his hair , Andrea was kinda mad cause i was ruining their moment ! Why dont you knock ? she yell at me . uhhmm if you haven't notice your door was wide open -i answered back  holding my stomach and laugh!!

 Sam P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                Suddenly Trevor jumped in and said "lets go to the BEACHHHHHHH" he yell out loud . Conor also jumped in and said yah we should go its early !!we can even vlog at the beach ! i saw Kendrea face lit up and she ran up to her room and packed ..i also get to my room , i packed a towel and some sunglasses.

Jc P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                     when we got in the car and i saw Sam sat next to Kendrea, i immediately sat next to her too..the beach wasnt far from out apartment but Kendrea seem to fall asleep on Sam's shoulder, i saw a smile on his face as he kissed her forehead , i was really angry as Sam . We got to the beach , i woke her up brought her bag and pull out a towel and put it on the ground so she could sit down.A couple of fans saw me and  they pull me away left Kendrea alone with Sam , i dont want to but there were alot of fans and i cant say no to my viewers!!

Kendrea P.O.V                                                                                                                                                          i was left alone with Sam !! i was wearing a orange bikini under , it was a super sunny day i took my shirt and skirt of to reveal my orange bathing suit !! " Sam, Sam come over here" i called Sam over and handed him a bottle of sunscreen i ask " could you put it on my back for me Sam ", i smile. Sam nodded and put it on for me . We joke around and he started tickling me and i kept saying stop but he wont.

Jc P.O.V                                                                                                                                                                     i came back to see Sam is putting sunscreen on Kendrea's back and he kept tickling her after . To be honest i was really jealous. Seeing Kendrea's in her bathing suit was the best thing , she has the best figure and a great face . Then she stood up and yell "common lets swim we didnt come here to just stare at people!!.Then i felt someone grab my hand , it was Kendrea she has the best smile and she drag me down to the cool water . O2l started to splash water at eachother , then Kendrea's target was me she splash water in my face and said " hahahaha i got you Jc ". "oh no you did not just do that " i sais, "oh well i did Jc hahaha" she said .She started to ran away , i ran after , it was hard to run on water but then i catch up to her !!!! so was Conor , Kian, Andrea and Trevor.."everyone hold her for me " i yell then they hold her, i started to splash water on her and tickling her !!! "Kendrea, be a good girl and say sorry then i'll stop "i said , "never..ill..never..say..sorry.."she yell . then i started to tickle her more then finally she yell" SORRY!!! then i let her go!

thank you for reading !!

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