Chapter 1

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A/N: The first few chapters will be flashbacks of Vera's life to show how it all started. Things will really kick off in the 3rd chapter.


Taylor Hill                       as           Vera Williams
Erik Durm                       as           Himself
Dr. Mike Varshavski     as           Theo Williams
Blake Lively                    as           Chloe Jones

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or pictures/gifs shown in the following fanfiction.
                            *April 1st 2013*

  I was just entering the house from my daily jog when I heard my parents arguing for the 3rd time this week.
"What's going on this time?" I asked.
"Your father over here has a new job offering, which he couldn't refuse." Replied mom with an angry tone.
"Isn't that supposed to be good mom?"
"What?! We're moving across the globe yet again? Ugh when is this gonna stop?! We've already moved a gazillion times in the past two decades."
"Vera, sweetheart, this time its different, I've been offered a  6-year contract and the company pays really well. This would probably be the last time something like this happens. You've only got one more year of university which you can continue there; I found this amazing university in Dortmund that you can easily transfer to." Dad replied.
" You know what? I'm already stressed out and the last thing I wanna talk about is moving again so can we talk about this later? When theres less tension around and we'll actually be able to think about it? "  I asked.
"Sure thing "
  It's been a week since we've had that conversation and we've agreed to move one last time. My dad's company is located in Munich while dad transferred me to a university in dortmund where I'll live with my cousin Theo and his girlfriend Claire, they've created quite the fortune for themselves and have become very successful entrepreneurs at such a young age.

We were moving in less month but mom is already packing and sending a few stuff to their new home in Germany. I didn't have a lot to pack since Theo has an extra guest room so I decided to leave a large amount of my belongings here since we owned the house and my parents decided to keep it.

  We're originally British (Mom is Spanish though) but we've been living in New York for the past four years. We moved around a lot but four years is the longest we've stayed in a country. We've been to Russia, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, and New York (yes thats a lot). But hopefully Germany will be our last stop before heading back home.

Besides Theodore, I've kept contact with a few friends who moved to Germany. So I wouldn't be completely lonely when Theo and Claire are too busy with their jobs.

                          * 30 April 2013*

  "VERRRAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Theo and Chloe as they pulled me into a hug.
"Guys I ... cant.. breathe " I whispered as they let me go and helped me with my bags as Theo led the way to the car.

"How was your flight? You must be tired." asked Claire as Theo drove us home.

" Well 10-hour flight is no big deal. " I replied sarcastically.

Thirty minutes later we arrived to Theo's and Claire's penthouse and its one of the best looking apartments Ive ever seen. " This place is beautiful I dont think I'm ever moving out of here " I stated. " Well we'd be glad if we had extra company anyways " replied Claire.

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