Supernatural - The Reason Why

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Chapter 1                                      

Castiel gasped and wheezed, he began to shiver and wrapped his arms around his stomach. He had no clue where he was let alone where Dean and Sam where, all he knew was that he was freezing to death. Dean! He tried to scream but no words came out. Help! He tried again but still no luck. This time Castiel sat up and looked around him still grasping his stomach, he saw nothing but snow and ice. He moaned and let his hands touch the ice, pushing himself up. No use, he fell back down with a thud and his head began pounding.

“DEAN!” he managed to whisper. No answer but the wind. He must be human, God must have brought him back to earth again. Castiel was lost in his thoughts. Where was I? Where’s the Leviathans? Is Dean ok? How long has it been? A year? A month? A day? Castiel made another effort to stand and once again with little success.

“Anybody out there?!” He yelled, his voice was getting stronger. Still no answer. This time he reached in his pocket and searched for his mobile phone, he reached further until he found the small device. He flicked it on and went down the contacts until he found Dean, who had set him up with this device which was utterly pointless until now. The device began ringing but a voice replaced it in seconds.

“This is Dean, I cant get to the phone right now so leave a message” It was Dean. Castiel began speaking,

“Dean ! I really need your help! I’m in Antarctica or something. Um… so yeah call me back.” He had no idea what else to say.


Dean hid at the bottom of his Chevrolet which he finally had just gotten back only for it to be trashed by Sam. He stared at the ceiling for a long period of time until Sam banged on the window causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.

“Dude what the hell!” Dean yelled, Sam grinned.                “Man you were day dreaming I just had to” He said still with a grin.

“Yeah well next time open the door or something” He mumbled, Sam ignored him opening the passenger sit and throwing the paper bag at Dean.

“Pie?” Dean asked with a big grin. Sam shifted in his seat and did a little cough. Dean opened the bag to see a sausage roll.

“Sammy a sausage roll?! Really?! C’mon Man where’s my pie!” Dean shouted, Sam rolled his eyes turning to Dean.

“There is no pie” he said. Dean sighed and glared at Sam.

Yeah no pie sure sure maybe next time I will get Sam a sandwich full of dirt! Dean thought, he smiled to that.

Suddenly his phone buzzed and caused a vibration up his body, Sam turned to face him and shrugged. Dean lifted the phone. He could not believe what he saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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