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Ray looks at you and you see in his eyes that he scared to open the door so you grabbed his arm and pulled him to you

Y/N: you don't have to go just wait till they leave

Ray:Y/N just get back I'm going to be ok

he opens the door and it was Princeton then you smiled.

Ray: man you scared us we thought it was someone else man you can't scared people like that but wassup?

Princeton: lol man I'm sorry I just came to tell you that Roc trying to start fights with people and no one would listen to me and I knew you would be here so help me with this party

Ray: iight hold up tho

Princeton: hurry up I'll be in the car

You & Ray Hurries to get your stuff off the bed and gets in rays car and him and Princeton puts up there thumbs to signal go then they drove off

Y/N: Ray...

Ray: yes??

Y/N: do you really like me?

Ray:of course I do why you ask?


Ray: tell me...

Y/N: I forgot

Ray: whatever

continues to drive and finally gets there then Ray opens the door and sees Roc fighting this guy then Ray runs over there with Princeton

Ray: yo get up ....get up!!!~helps them off each other~

Princeton: y'all not ashamed yet? wow I sure am ashamed to know u right now Roc you always starting some type of fight then we always have to break it up so you won't have to get in any trouble I'm really tired man

Ray: so am I

Roc:ok..ok I'm sorry you right Princeton you right I'm going to stop I'm serious this time I'm so serious I'm done

Y/N: Roc what were you fighting about anyways I'm just curious?

Ray&Princeton: yea what were you fighting about?

Roc: this niqqa pushed me then he tired to dance with my girl and I wasn't having that so I took off my jacket and beat his ass as you can see ~laughs~

Ray,Princeton&you:yea we can~ laughs~

???: man shut up *he looked at you when he said it*

Y/N:excuse you I know you not talking to me

???: yea I'm talkin to you and your ugly ass friends

Ray,Princeton,roc,prod&you looked at him like wtf did he just say? then you took off your earrings.

???: yo I don't fight girls

Y/N: then I guess I'm going to be beaten your ass

Ray& Princeton holds you back "he ain't worth it."

Ray:~ walks up to him~ get out!

???: your party was lame anyways

everyone turned around and yell "get your lame ass out then"

Ray, Princeton, prod, Roc& you: bye

he leaves and y'all continue to party....then last song came on and you and Ray were still dancing with each other and Roc finally announced the party was over and everyone left

Ray: aye imma go take Y/N home

everyone: iight

you and Ray get in the car and turns up the music then you finally get home

Ray:hey..can I stay over your house cause I'm tired of driving

Y/N: yea of course you can

y'all walk in and goes upstairs

Ray: nice house

Y/N: thank you

he smiled "your welcome"

and you opened the door to your room

Ray:dayum your room is .....I can't even explain I wasn't a room like this it's way better then mine

Y/N:lol I made it myself

Ray: really? now I feel weak your room better then mine I was expecting like flowers and pink  all over then floor but...Noooo you have money signs on the floor and all the brands of shoes I like on your wall and all kinds of stuff

Y/N: lol you stupid I can give the number of the people who have me this stuff

Ray:iight text it to me so I won't forget

Y/N: ok I will later ~ turns on t.v~ you want to watch a movie?

Ray:yea ....sure 

Y/N:ok ~ puts in a random romantic movie from Netflix~

Ray looks at you and you glanced at him and continued to watch the movie then he turned you around cause he noticed you looked at him then he got on top of you


Ray: you know u like the way this feels


I think Ray trying to get a little something something lol but if he wants to I'm ready.

End of Pov.

Y/N:I do but....


Y/N:I....~ you reached up to kiss him and then he took of your clothes and your eyes got big and you pushed him off and went to go throw up.

his Pov.

what did I do does my breath stink? I knew I brushed this morning plus I had gun before I kissed her so what's wrong with her?

End of Pov.

Ray runs to the bathroom

Ray: you ok?

Y/N: yea

Ray: what happened did I do something wrong?

Y/N: no you didn't I don't know why I threw up

your mom knocks on the door

Y/N: Ray go get my shirt *you whispered*. ~you flushed the toilet~ ~puts on shirt and opens the door~

Y/N:yes mom

Y/M/N:me and your dad want to talk to you down stairs

you looked at ray worried then you closed the door behind you so he couldn't hear anything.then you walked downstairs to your dad.

Y/N:yes dad

Y/D/N:well Y/N me abd your mom heard ......

sorry I will continue later and add freaky stuff the next part.

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