The Only One

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I dedicate this to my best friend Paris Lepre who inspires me day in and day out


It has been a crazy day, first my mum and dad leave to go to New York for a month than I find out my brother is dating my worst enemy and then there is Sarah, Sarah Mary Jones. The one that stole all my friends and left me alone until the one day that changed my life forever.

2 years ago

It's was a normal day until she walked into the room and caused everyone to stare. We were all silent not wanting to miss a word. I was the only one that continued to work! That's why I was chosen to lend her a hand. She sat next to me in class and followed me like a lost puppy during the breaks. I wanted to be her friend but wasn't going to act as if she was the only person I have been able to talk to so I pretended I was popular and acted like I was trying to ignore her. I didn't want to give her too much attention as I know how it feels to be the talk of the town seeing I have broken my arm twice and everyone wanted to do everything they could for me. It sounds like fun but after six weeks it is just, boring and annoying. You no longer have any privacy or a life when it is all over.

As hard as I was trying to hide the fact that I wanted to be her friend she still figured out that the life I was telling her I had was all a lie. Everywhere we walked the people I said where my friends turned away once I walked up to them and whenever I spoke I studded and stopped to think of what to say. She told me she knows what it feels like because that is what happened to her at her old school until she moved then everyone wanted to be her friend. She rejected everyone because of how they had treated her in the past and told me that that was a huge mistake because she ended up alone for the last five weeks. Her best friend that had been with her for five years had moved to Queensland a couple days before the announcement and they can no longer contact each other because they don't know any of each other's details.

"We haven't spoken for a year and I am really tired of living a life full of lies. My mum and dad didn't know anyone from my old school other then Kristen. We spent every spare minute together and I hated the fact the I didn't tell her I was moving because now we cannot talk. Then I saw you and automatically wanted you to be my new best friend. "

I was silent for a minute before saying,

"I will, I will Madam Lepre take your hand in mine for the journey that our lives will take all that we have and make an adventure for all those who choose to join."

"Bravo Bravo" Sarah Mary Jones. What does she want?

"That was a fantastic vow to your new born friend who won't be here for long."

"What do you want? Paris and I have been through enough without having you come barging in on our lives and take what is ours and use it for your own good."

" I just wanted to introduce myself to Paris, if that is okay with you? "

" It certainly isn't Sarah Mary Jones."

"Why must you insist that you use my full name?"

"She has the right to so, do as you please bestie."

We walked away from Sarah and found a quiet spot on the oval it sit and listen to each other's story.

When we went back to class we had to split into pairs. I went with Paris even though everyone else wanted to. We had to do an assessment on how the world goes round. We could choose any approach we liked, for example; how does earth spin, what is it that we all do that helps the world. Things like that. We did creation and how we are all works of God. We got extending and 30 out of 30. We were really pleased with ourselves and what we could accomplish in a short amount of time with no technology, help or anything really extensive to work with. After the assessment we had free time so me and Paris put on acts for each other. It was hilariously funny and extremely fun. By the time the bell went the whole class had joined in and didn't care that me and Paris were running it. They just went with the flow and played along. Mr Quarrelling decided that after every assessment we would play our game so that we all know what teamwork and individual work is like.


"Run, run, run!!!!!"

" Over the hill and up the stairs."

"She's got us now Anne!"

"Run faster Scarlet."

"I can't ."


"Wow that was so much fun! Your imagination is the wildest I ever seen!"

I didn't say anything, I wasn't trying to be rude but I thought finding our way back to school was more important than my imagination.

"Oi,are you listening to me?"

"Sorry I was just trying to work out where we are."

"That's alright I would have done the same if I knew that we were lost. Are you sure you don't know your way back? I mean you have lived here your entire life, haven't you?"

"I have, but I have never been this far into the woods."

"Oh. If it helps I know that we left footprints in the mud."

"Show me."

We walked through The busy until we found a small mud puddle. We were hoping to see 4 footprints. Instead we found 6.


Thank you for reading my book. I know I know it takes me forever to update but I don't know what write and I have to focus on school.

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