Luke hemmings imagine

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Luke and you have been dating for the last 3 years but lately you've been constantly fighting.

You've decided that you hate fighting with him and that you still love him so one day afterschool you go over to his house and he shuts the door in your face. You barge through his door and yell at him

'Luke i love you but why do you keep shutting me out'

'Y/N why do you keep following me? Maybe if you weren't such a clingly little bitch!'

he covers his mouth realising what he just said but, you left before he could apologise.

You run and run as far as you can until you reach the park and realise hes chased you the whole way. you sit down on the bench and also realise that this is where you two had your first kiss together. it brings back all the memories, which made cry even more. You soon realise hes bending down in front of you holding your knees repeating the same words again and again for what feels like a million times.

'Y/N im sorry, i didnt know what was happeneing and didnt mean what i said. im so sorry that i keep blocking you out and i promise to be more honest with you and to tell you everything from now on'.

eventually you give in and he pulls you into his arms. he looks into your eyes before he smashes his lips to yours . It starts to rain but both of you don't care at all!

' im sorry but i love you Y/N and i want to stop fighting'

' Luke ,i love you too.'

He walks you back to your house and he lays you on your bed as you fall into a deep sleep with his arms around you to the sweet voice of his calm singing. The next morning you wake up to Luke's lips on your cheek.

'Y/N I need to tell you everything!'

' woah! I don't need to know everything I just wanted to know why you shut me out for the last week?'

' its just that..... Im scared Im going to loose you!'

Before you had anytime to react he got down on one knee .

'Y/N I want you to be mine forever before I loose you I love you so much and you mean everything to me!

You start to cry! Is this really happening! You say to yourself

Y/N ..... will you marry me ?! '

'Luke , OMG yes, there is no way of you losing me because, I'm absoulutly in love with you!'

' I love you too ' he said

Then you smashed your lips together! Before he said ' I'm so happy , I can finally be with you forever!'

Luke hemmings imagineWhere stories live. Discover now