Finding Out the Truth

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"I'll admit it," I began as I continued to struggle with the lighter in my hands. "I miss magic." I laughed as I said it but deep down I was beginning to get a little frustrated. I turned around to see Jeremy smiling at me. He walked close behind me and grabbed the lighter. "Step away from the candles."

I couldn't help the warm feelings I felt as Jeremy's arms wrapped around my waist. I felt so alive. Even though I don't have magic, I have my life again and better yet I have Jeremy. Turning around to face him, I smiled as our lips met softly.

Jeremy picked me up at laid me down on the bed bringing forth a small laugh from me. My hands were ravenous as they opened his shirt revealing the soft skin that covered his muscular chest. Things were getting heated. I began pulling my shirt off when all of a sudden something didn't feel right. I looked up and saw him.

"Oh my god," I began causing Jeremy to look at me, then towards the door and then back at me with concern. "I think Jesse's dead." I walked slowly towards him as a confused Jeremy said, "What?"

My heart broke for the young man. He was kind, handsome, and smart. He had a future ahead of him. Caroline was finally moving on from Tyler and I could see them being happy together. Yet here he was before me, scared and confused. "I'm not ready," he said. "I don't want this."

I was about to speak to him when he grabbed my shoulders. Pain shuddered through my entire body as he passed through me causing me to curl inwards. I was falling. "Bonnie, whats going on?!" Jeremy called as he caught me and brought me to stand once again. "What was that?"

I closed my eyes, swallowing back tears. I can't tell him how badly it really hurts. "I'm the anchor Jer. Every supernatural being that dies has to pass through me."

"How often does that happen?"

I wish he didn't ask that. I looked at him deciding what I should say but I guess the look gave me up. Jeremy shook his head before looking at me once again, "Bonnie why. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm back, here! Touching you," I said reaching up to hold his face. "We knew there would be consequences. But this, this is worth it."

He looked at me with sad eyes. "Just kiss me." I pleaded.

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