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PJ opened his eyes to the sun shining through the window of the truck. They had been driving all night, only to stop on the side of the road at 1am to sleep. Georgia was restless. So was PJ. Yet, they both quickly pretended to have drifted off into dream land. They felt the awkwardness in the air so they barely spoke to each other the rest of the night.

Not too long after, Georgia eventually woke up. Her eyes squinted at the bright rays of light.

"Good morning" PJ spoke. The sound of his voice flooded her mind with memories of the night before. It was as if she could feel his hand resting on hers again. That thought of if only she could have grabbed it and intertwined their fingers. It sent her heart beating. It was childish and she knew it, but being with him always made her feel like a kid again.

"Morning" She responded, playing it off nonchalant.

"...Bad news" He mumbled. Curiosity rose inside her.

"What?" Georgia quickly asked.

"I have no idea what we're going to do today. It hadn't crossed my mind. Maybe we can drive until we find a nature trail or something" PJ suggested. Her thoughts instantly flicked to old family nature trail adventures. It brought back of sense of nostalgia in her. She was then clinging onto the hope of actually following through with that plan.

"God, PJ. So unprepared" Georgia joked, emphasizing her words. He pursed his lips together and rolled his eyes.

"I'm beginning to think I chose the wrong grouch to take on this road trip" PJ said, sitting up in his seat.

Georgia whipped her head to face him and pouted. "Noooo" She whined.

He cracked a smile. "I'm just kidding. So how does pumpkin cream pancakes and a nature trail sound?"

"It sounds like you're my favorite person on the planet. You know my needs in life" Georgia laughed. PJ joined in and ruffled his hair before putting the truck in drive.


Georgia and PJ traveled along what seemed to be a never ending road. There were barely any houses and mostly only fields with horses and sheep. The GPS was leading them to the nearest restaurant. They were hoping to get there early enough to grab breakfast before they switched to lunch at noon.

It was Georgia's turn to use the aux cord so she instantly began blasting Of The Night by Bastille, one of her favorites. Along with many miscellaneous things, that band in particular also made her feel nostalgic for some reason. She couldn't figure out why, but it brought her happiness.

"I hope this restaurant has free wifi. I've never been this disconnected from the internet. I'm feeling some separation anxiety" Georgia said out of the blue. PJ shook his head. "Don't you?"

"No, not really. It doesn't bother me" He replied calmly. Georgia couldn't comprehend how someone could live without their phone.

"See, if Dan was here he would agree with me" She said.

"Do you like Dan more than me? I feel offended" PJ lifted one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on his heart, clearly overreacting on purpose.

"Mhm" She mumbled but he obviously knew she was kidding. One of the main aspects of their friendship that she enjoyed was how much they joked around. It made everything seem so fun and exciting. There was never a dull moment. Just a lot of sarcasm and laughs.

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