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If looks could kill I would be dead. Saying sorry was not going to do anything.

"Amelia Elizabeth Sanchez." Aunt Milly said in a stern voice. Crap, the full name. I am defiantly in trouble.

"Bye Kendall." I said, walking past him. I walked up the steps onto the porch.

"Milly it was my fault. I pulled Emmie off the porch. I made her get in my car. I drove away." Kendall said.

"With all due respect Kendall, but she is her own person. She should have told you no and stayed on the porch like she promised me." Aunt Milly said. "I don't know how things are done in your family, but in this family promises mean a lot."

"They mean a lot in my family too." Kendall said.

"Then you know where I am coming from." Aunt Milly said. She looked at me. "In the house now."

"Bye Kendall." I said and went inside. I walked into the living room and sat down. A few minutes later she came into the room. "I'm grounded aren't I?"

"Two weeks." she said.

"Fair enough. I really am sorry." I said.

"I know you are. You should get to bed. It's late and we have some school shopping to do in the morning." she said.

"School?" I asked.

"You start on Monday at Saint Helen's Prep." Aunt Milly said.

"Please tell me it's not a boarding school." I begged.

"I would love to, but I can't." Aunt Milly said.

"Oh come on I hate boarding schools. They are fully of snotty bitches that live off daddy's money." I said. Aunt Milly laughed.

"Go to bed." she said. I nodded and went up the stairs. I'm not gonna like this. I can already tell.

Saved By The SchmidtTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang