Ch. 15 -"Memories"

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Warren tried to convince me Hayden she should wait until morning but she couldn't. Dee had always followed her heart and it hadn't  led her wrong. It was her turn to make things right and She knew she would never be able to sleep knowing Angie was spending another night in a strange place living through her grief alone and in hiding.

They marched down to the third floor in synch to the very end of the hall finding a door with Elvis music softly seeping through the wood. I
Hayden probably could have followed her ears and found it on her own, who knew there were two of them! 

Warren put his hand on her shoulder shoulder and Hayden didn't dare look back, she was ready and had no idea how long the cup of courage would last. She knocked quickly and took a deep breath waiting for an answer that didn't come. After about a minute, Warren turned to leave but she knocked again, harder. Long live the king, and the moment, but this minute was hers.

The slide lock finally sounded and the door opened. A round face appeared around the door, it was smeared with freckles and topped off by a boundless helmet like mass of large auburn curls. The smile disappeared when she saw them, and instead of speaking she stepped back into the room and held the door open.

Hayden's gaze took in the calm bare room, completely finished in warm neutral colors except for the royal blue trim that was the signature color of the resort. Elvis's voice resonated from a CD player on top of the kitchen cupboard. 

Angie smooshed her curls down and swiped her arm across her face. It was easy to tell she had been crying. Her eyes were red rimmed and her freckles outlined in hot pink splotches. She pulled at the bottom of her Hawaiian shirt, smoothing the wrinkles and splotches probably made by tears and held out her hand for a formal shake.

Hayden rushed up and grabbed her tightly. She was smooshy and soft and smelled like downy. Her stiffness immediately became slack and a current of tears started anew. Warren slipped out the door as she stood there letting her cry, this warm gentle stranger that was a connection to something she lost long ago.

"I'm sorry Hayden. Look at me going on like a sniveling sap. Being all selfish like you should comfort me when I should be the one comforting you."  She wiped her face with the bottom rim of her shirt. And pulled me to the couch.

"Don't apologize for being sad. I'm here to apologize to you. I had no idea you existed until this evening. And I'm so sorry. I'm living in your house for God's sake!"

Angie smiled and patted her hand. Her face was warm and her presence made me feel totally at ease. Hayden may have met her just a minute ago but she already felt like home.

"Dee didn't know how you felt. Your parents were so aggressive about her choices. She didn't want you to feel like you had to pick a side. And when she was sick I begged her to let me call you, but she wouldn't have it. She didn't want to ruin your relationship with them and she knew you'd come no matter how you felt."

Hayden shook her head and tried to blink back the tears that pooled at the rims of my eyes. She would have come. At least Hayden knew she knew that. If only she'd known how miserable her life was, that her family had never been shelter. Always criticizing and commanding.  Things could have been so different for them both.

"How are things Hayden?  How are you finding the resort and being the head cheese?  I know it isn't easy. Dee and I barely kept up. Of course we are, well, we were just two geezers trying to get by with just the minimum amount of work and have some bouts of fun.  She was a wild card, always sucking the last drop of laughter and fun. Not even sickness could keep her down. Until the end." 

A fresh torrent of sobbing occurred and Hayden just sat next to her and waited. Somehow it gave Hayden immense comfort that Angie was wounded. Not because she liked seeing someone suffer, but the pain was proof that their feelings were deep, Dee was loved, and Angie as well. The immense guilt of not being there for her lightened.

The girls talked for over an hour.  Reliving stories of her and Dee, and what was going on with the resort.  When Angie's face went white and her jaw flicked in anger Hayden knew she had not only an ally, but a friend. Over beer and popcorn they watched a home movie of the commitment ceremony. Dee looked glowingly happy and the way Angie looked at her made Hayden long to have someone look at her like that that some day.

When she yawned for the third time Hayden knew it was time to call it a night. "I'm going to get going and let us both get some sleep before the sun comes up. Tomorrow we're swapping rooms and I don't want to hear another word about it. And you're on the payroll effective immediately as co-owner. It may take Warren a little bit of time to do the paperwork. Especially considering I may already be co-owner, but I don't want arguments. You are my family and I'm so glad to have you."

When the surprise settled and her mouth finally remembered how to close she started in.  "You don't even know me. Don't say or do anything Hayden. For all you know I'm a scam artist!  And you should be in the suite. This is just a regular room. No place for the owner!"

"I know you Angie. I saw your face when you were with Dee in those movies. I know love when I see it.  And the room isn't mine. It never has been. It's felt off the whole time and to be honest, I'm not as King oriented as you gals seemed to be. Truth is, Elvis watching me sleep creeps me out a little."

Walking back towards Dee and Angie's room Hayden felt free. Not only was she now a partner with someone who knew how to run the resort, but she gained a family member. This night was definitely an all around win.

With the lights down Hayden slipped off her clothes. The few beers she'd had making her warm and relaxed and ready for her first really good nights sleep. She didn't feel like looking for pajamas or turning on the lights. Seeing Elvis or herself in the ceiling mirrors would just freak her out. Happy she had just changed the sheets she flopped down on the bed ready to crash and landed on a firm lump.

When she heard a loud "oomph" she scrambled from the bed and hit the lights. Warren was rubbing his head and sitting up on the bed.

"Hayden?  I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep. I was just waiting for you to tell you......"  His words stopped and he stared at me frozen with his hand still attached the spot on his head where I landed. Puzzled about what could possibly give that reaction she looked down, realizing with complete and utter horror that she was completely nude.

Now that's a matzah ball!!  Hayden does get herself in some funny situations. Who knew Warren would stick around. Something must have been important.  Thanks so much for reading.

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