chapter 2

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"I do." you say as Dirk kissed you. You are now Jake Strider. After all that honeymoon junk ((just you and Dirk kissing and playing a lot of video games)) you two decided on adopting. You discussed with Jade to make sure she was okay with that, which she was happy about, you adopt two boys, John egbert, and Dave wait his last name is Strider! Jesus he looks like Dirk as well.

Dave was about six years old and John was five about to turn six. Toddlers are so cute! Every time john got hurt Dave would kiss his cheek and make sure he was better. "John wake up, we need to get the apple juice!" John groaned "five more hours".

John and Dave marched to the kitchen, John held a stuffed Bunny and Dave held his shades.

He keeps me safeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang