Why I Outta! [ Larry Stylinson / Niam Hayne ]

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I will find Lou and I will get you.

Jk my little swggots!

That's swag+faggots=swaggots 💡

Okay so here's the plot AGAIN:(

Oh whale🐳




Harry Styles is the example of the almighty Zeus; or shall I say he is Zeus.

You see Harry was a normal teenager just like you! But that's when his powers came.

He can't control them at all. For example he almost killed at teacher because she was yelling at him in class. So Harry's 'God' side was a little upset.

Louis Tomisilon is the definition of satan; he makes every ones life hell.

Now don't get all fan girly on me. He's not punk Louis or any thing like that.

No no he's Satan in the flesh! And he's learned to control he's abilities.


How's that for yee swaggots?🙈

👍? Good or bad👎?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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