your jealous

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Justin was making a new video for his latest single all that matters.

When you saw a slim stunning beautiful girl , Cailin Russo grab Justin  .

Justin looked at you , you pulled a thin-smile and played with your hair "Cut" said the director "pull him harder and stare at his eyes"

what the fuck I stayed calm as the girl looked at me and smirked bitch I mumbled "good job guys photo shoot tomorrow, Justin was turning his way to me as the blondish brownish haired girl pulled Justin into a kiss I swear my jaws literally dropped how could he . i might be overreacting.

I grabbed my bag and ran through the door there were lots of flashing camera's every nearly blinding me and knocking me out I slipped and waited to hit the floor when someone caught me "let's get out of here "Justin says

We entered the black jeep and drove over to his house tears fall from my eyes "babe cool down it was hardly a kiss he says smirking "what do you mean by cool down how am I  supposed to feel when my boyfriend is getting kissed by another girl "your just jealous" "OK I am a bit jealous when a slim stunning fit girl is around  you when I'm not like that " "babe you'll always be the most beautiful girl ever in my eyes" he pulls you into a rough but passionate kiss "oh Justin" you say pulling him into another kiss


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