Chapter Eight: Mavis has more brothers

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I heard they were playing tug of war, at the amphitheatre, so Mavis and I headed there. Mavis and I pushed past Mr. Valdez and Blake, I made sure to smile and brush my hand against his as I past him hastily, "let's go Mavis" we ran toward the amphitheatre, to find The two leaders were Victor and Nia.

"Mavis you're on my team" Nia called, "I have no problem with that" she replied. I looked at Victor the guy that kicked my gut when we met sending me rolling down the hill. I joined the back of the lines powdered my hands and took my stance behind this blonde girl, "you helping or not?" She groaned. I gripped the rope and leaned backward.

Luckily I can't be burned or this rope burn would be killing me right now."hey Victor, can we use powers?" I asked from the back of the line, "no touching them or harming anyone, tormenting and taunting is allowed" he replied.

"In that case" I smirked and whistled, "C'mere boy". From the shadows of the tree leapt I giant three headed hellhound, "pull" I called to my new team. Cerberus growled at the other team,half of Nia's team stopped pulling. We pulled them into the mud pit and won.

The blonde girl turned around, "thanks for the help, but I could have won this without you" said the blonde girl. "That was rather rude, normally someone would introduce themselves first, My name is Saku......." She had already walked off with the guy that was in front of her.

"Sakura" called Victor, "Hey thanks for calling in Cerberus, and sorry about Lilith Bract, she means well once you get to know her, she isn't that ignorant" Victor said as Nia and Mavis walked over to us covered in mud. "I'm sure she's not"

"That was a dirty trick Kira" Mavis glared at me, I responded with a smile. Cerberus licked my face with two of his three heads. "I am tight with a three headed hellhound, not my fault, Thanks again Cerberus" I stroked his snout and he growled softly. He lay on his back and still as big as a house, "how is dad?" I asked him rubbing his belly. He looked salt me and growled. So assumed he meant dad is fine. Campers slowly dispersed after the the tug o war.

A horn sounded from the shore, a large ship was anchored out in the bay, a small boat was almost st shore "let's go see who's here" Mavis pulled me away. I waved at Victor and Nia as they headed in another direction. she ran on water, dragging me accross the surface, "but how.....Nevermind, I don't wanna know how you can walk on water" I just let her taking me to the boat that was rowing ashore.

Were some people on the boat, six guys and two girls. One guy was very buff, he had one eye and wore a golden badge, the seal of Zeus, feared general of Olympus."Tyson, I want you to meet our cousin, Kira" Mavis introduced me to the cyclops.

"We have a cousin?" Chubby cheerful kid jumped over Tyson's head. "I'm Christian" he said. He raised his arm to shake mine, now standing on water with Mavis and I. I shook his hand to be polite.

"Chris, could you be more civilized?" Tyson glared at his little brother. Christian shrugged off Tyson's question and smiled at me, "How did uncle Hades make someone so pretty?" Asked Chris. It made me all tingly inside, I am sure I was blushing.

"How are we meant to know? Are you like hitting on Kira?" Mavis began hounding her brother. "What? of course not, you can't prove anything" he climbed back in the rowboat. There was someone with them, whoever they were, they had a hood on.

"This is Rose, we rescued her, we should get her to the infirmary" Christian said helping her to her feet. Someone with
big red wings flew from the the big house when Tyson's eyes lit up "Ella" he shouted. she flew to her husband's arms.

"I missed you" she said wrapping her wings around Tyson. "Can you fly Rose to the infirmary for me?" Tyson asked her. She had grown up since Tyson first met her, and no longer refers to herself in third person, she is wiser now. "Of course I can" she kissed Tyson sweetly then gripped Rose's wrists and taking to the air, "Thanks Darling" Tyson called.

"So, Kira right? Pretty name" Christian looked at me, "So are you Zeus's or Hades' spawn?" He asked flatly. Mavis answered before I could, "daughter of Hades".

From what I could tell Tyson is a cyclops, and not dangerous at all, Christian was a chubby thing about mine and Mavis's age. Could be cute. Rose kept her hood on so I have no idea what she looks like. "My name is Sakura hut I prefer Kira, only Mac calls me Sam" I told him. Christian wAlked beside me, and I got the feeling he likes me.

We walked back to shore, and Tyson pulled the boat, then we saw something swim beneath us. Tyson threw the boat into shallow water. A smile grew on his face, he kneeled to the water shaking his hand in it to call the creature back. "C'mere girl" he said splashing his hand in the water.

"What are you doing? I asked him. Then Tyson looked at me, "that was a hippocampus, her name is rainbow" Tyson said. Rainbow poked her head out right next to Tyson. "It's been a long time hasn't it?" She asked him, and she just neighed. "I'm sorry okay, Zeus keeps me busy, I'm a General now" but Rainbow just neighed again.

She swam beside us as we walked back to shore, then she neighed and dove back underwater. "I missed you too Rainbow" he said. She flopped out of the water and neighed again. He waved to her.

"You've known her long Ty?" Christian asked. "Yeah we go way back, Percy was there when I first met her, Annabeth was there too" he said. "Haven't seen Annabeth for a long time, now that I mentioned her"

"Maybe Percy, Grover and I should go and find her" Tyson said quietly just thinking out loud.

Sakura And The Sea NymphOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora